Chapter 26

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"Repetitive Results"

Carter's P.O.V

It was the same as any predictable plot. The place it started was the place it ends. The results were becoming quite repetitive and tiring. How can this even happen? Everything was so different, and things were going so well.

I was sitting in our third-period math class, waiting for Astrid or the teacher to arrive. The rain danced against the windows; usually, the rain brought me happiness and peace, however, that all changed in a matter of a few moments.

It's funny how your entire being can be crumpled in a few words, a few minutes. Feelings are built up over time, relationships take even longer, but destruction takes seconds. In an instant, everything you've built up can disappear.

I thought that everything was going to be different; our story was a contrast to normal day relationships. I thought that everything was foolproof. She broke the barrier that I had created a long time ago; she was the first person to make an impact on my life. I just wish I was used to being wrong.

The rain continuously splashed against the windows, creating distorted images beyond its barricades. The sky tangled with the trees and the trees with the ground.

I would've walked Astrid to class. However, she refused because she wanted to talk to Harlow. I leaned back in my chair, twirling the pencil between my fingers.

It wasn't a surprise that the teacher was late. Every day since I got here, she has always been at least fifteen minutes late. I'm sure the only reason she still has a job is due to the fact that the students don't rat her out; I mean seriously, what student would deny free time in class?

Just as my thoughts had drifted away, I received a text that would change my entire life. And not in a positive way.

From: Elle

I've been assigned a new job in Paris. This one seems less temporary than the others. I guess we're moving again. Xx

It was a good thing that I was sitting when I was reading the text, or I would've dropped to my knees. I had grown attached to this small town, Riverbank high school, and most of all, that marvelous individual who wears Toms.

I drew a deep breath before maneuvering my fingers across the onscreen keyboard.

To: Elle


It was a cold response that lacked punctuation; however, punctuation seemed pointless when I was longing for an answer.

"Hey." Astrid beamed as she set her books on the desk that we shared.

"Hi." I smiled. No matter how devastated or angry that I felt, I always tried to put on a brave face for Astrid. It didn't help that she could see through my act, but it was nice to know that someone took the time to learn when I'm not as content as usual.

"Anything wrong?" She questioned before sliding into her seat.

"Nah," I whispered, passing it off.


The bell echoed throughout the entire school, signaling that the fatigued students could all have an hour of free time to eat or do whatever they wanted.

Astrid placed her books on top of each other, creating a pile. I swept my books into my left hand with one careless motion before I allowed my right hand to tangle around Astrid's textbook.

"No." She whispered before stealing the books out of my right hand, causing me to grin.

"Why do you have to be so independent?" I wondered.

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