Chapter 6

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"We've got a story, but I'm about to change the ending."

Astrid's P.O.V

You know when you're so happy that it's hard to hold back your smile so, you're just there grinning like an idiot? That perfectly describes how I look at this moment. Aiden and I had just exited the zipper and were on our way to buy some cotton candy. After a few steps off of the zipper, he tangled our hands together, which sent shivers down my spine. Good shivers.

There we were, roaming hand in hand over to the makeshift food court full of candy, deep-fried food, and anything unhealthy that you could think of. Never would I have expected to feel this way for Aiden. I mean, he's my best friend. So many things could go wrong but, so many things could go right. I decided to think about it at another time and to push it out of my mind. At least for tonight.

As Aiden and I had entered the food court, we almost ran into Carter and Vicki. When Carter saw our hands linked, it looked as if I had just shattered his entire world. He seemed broken entirely, but only I could tell. To anyone else, it would look as if he was just surprised.

"Watch where you're going!" Vicki snarled as she pulled Carter away with her. Just seeing Carter so broken hurt me. I have no idea why.

"Wow, what a bitch..." Aiden whispered. I chuckled as I bought cotton candy for both of us.

"Aw, thanks, Astrid." He thanked me as he took one of the bags. We began to munch on our candy, not long after we sat down at a table. There are always those people where you never run out of things to talk about, and, for me, that person was Aiden; however, the silence was never awkward between us. I was just happy to be eating cotton candy at a theme park. I had never expected any of this to happen.

For some reason, the memories of Carter kept crawling back into my mind. At this point, that was the last person I wanted to think about. I directed my gaze from the bag of cotton candy that was clenched in my left hand up to meet Aiden's eyes in an attempt to forget about Carter. When Aiden and I's eyes met, it made me content. I couldn't help but smile, which he returned almost instantly. Why couldn't this last forever? Oh yeah, right, because I'm Astrid Linnea.

I tend to bring bad luck. It's as if I'm a magnet and attract bad things to happen to me. I continued peering into Aiden's eyes. His smile grew more full by the second. This is the happiest I've seen him in a while. His eyes were full of hope and, that's when I noticed it. He wasn't looking at me. He was looking through me. Without hesitation I turned in my seat to see the one and only Samantha Rae. You may be asking yourself, 'who is Samantha Rae?'... Well, my friend, she is Aiden's ex girlfriend. Now, in most stories, the returning ex girlfriends are absolutely rude or, out to attack the main character. However, when was this a normal story? This is the story of a social outcast who is a magnet for misfortune.

Aiden liked Samantha so much. They were honestly one of the cutest couples I've seen. Nobody ever thought they would break up but, Samantha had feelings for another guy. She tried to leave Aiden in the nicest way possible but, here's a secret not many know about Aiden. He has a tough exterior but, when you break through it, he's extremely caring and protective. Aiden turned to self-harm and, I don't blame him but, I was the one to pick him up. He quit cutting over six months ago but, he's always had feelings for Samantha. I should've known I could never replace a love so pure and true. I bring bad luck. She's prettier, nicer, skinnier, and honestly, I wouldn't pick me either. I spun back around in my seat to look at Aiden once more. How childish of me would it be to think that we would ever be able to pull off a relationship? We were just friends.

When I met Aiden's eyes this time, they didn't show hope or happiness. He probably thought that he was about to lose me this time. His eyes showed nothing but complete sadness and confusion.

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