Chapter 25

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"Crash or Turbulence?"

Astrid's P.O.V

I linked my hand with Carter's and led him back to the bed that was full of food. I took a spoonful of Nutella and watched as the smile lit up on Carter's face. At that moment, nothing mattered. The number of calories was just a unit of energy, not my worst enemy. Weight and size was only a meaningless number. It was a feeling I had long forgotten, and for the first time, I was happy. I wasn't scared of being happy; I wasn't afraid of having my happiness ripped from me. I was just content knowing that I was the reason that Carter was smiling.

"I'm definitely not looking forward to school tomorrow," I whispered. Truthfully, I would be happier if I could just sit around with Carter all day.

"You still never gave me a tour around the school, as you told me you would on the first day." He mentioned while taking a seat next to me and grabbing some food.

"I think you know your way around by now," I commented.

"Carter, it's getting late. I have to go." I told him after realizing how late it indeed was. Sadly my eleven o'clock curfew was fifteen minutes away.

"Spend the night," Carter suggested.

"Come on, you know I can't do that," I stated.

"But I'll get lonely." He whined.

"You'll see me at school tomorrow..." I replied with an eye roll. I'm not that special.

"Give me your phone," Carter demanded.

"You can't convince my mother," I argued.

"Give me your phone." He repeated.

"Carter." I protested. He let out a soft sigh before climbing across the bed to where I was. He effortlessly slipped my phone out of my pocket and walked off into the bathroom.

I let out a sigh at how annoying Carter could be at times. After a few moments of thinking about only one person, I realized that I was alone. That was the first time in a long time that terrible thoughts hadn't attacked me. The corners of my lips tugged upwards. Maybe things were going to change for the better.

"You're staying," Carter stated while stepping back into the room.

"No... There's no way..." I whispered in disbelief. My mother barely knows Carter, yet I'm allowed to spend the night? I know I spent the night before. However, Elle was here. This was different, Carter and I would be completely alone.

"If you want to, you can," Carter said before tossing me my phone. Once his hands were free, he took off his shirt, and as always, I was mesmerized. He let out a deep chuckle before speaking.

"I can put my shirt on if it makes you feel uncomfortable." However, he knew I enjoyed him being shirtless. The reason he liked being shirtless around me was that he enjoyed watching me so... so vulnerable.

"That's what I thought..." He commented before sitting across the bed from me, facing me.

I didn't manage to think of a witty reply. I didn't have the time because, after a few seconds of staring into those ocean orbs, he did something we both wanted. He leaned towards me and lowered his lips to mine. His lips instantly molded to mine. There was everything in that kiss, insecurities, mistakes, regret, pain, passion, lust, and youth. I snaked my arm around Carter's neck, summoning his body to mine. He pulled away for a second, letting our foreheads connect.

"That was incredible." He began.

"Past tense?" I questioned. Carter's hands squeezed my hips, pulling me on top of him.

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