Chapter 16

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"Causing irritation."

Astrid's P.O.V

"Well, I can stay if you want to..." Carter suggested. I continued to take steps towards his car.

"Trust me; I think I'd rather leave," I told him. He smiled at me, which I quickly returned as my fingers wrapped around the door handle before pulling. I sat in the car and buckled up.

"You're coming to my house." He stated as he got into the driver's side.

"Carter... I don't want to intrude." I argued.

"I'm not taking no for an answer." With his reply, I let out an enormous sigh, which he returned with a smile. He won yet again another argument.

The engine purred as the car glided down the lively street. I focused on the trees that we would pass by, the streetlights and, that occasional couple who walked with their hands linked. Just the thought of walking at night was enough to put a smile on my face.

"Why are you smiling?" Carter broke the silence.

"Eyes on the road," I ordered.

"Astrid, I know how to drive." He protested. "Besides, you shouldn't have distracted me."

"Yeah, because that's my fault," I commented.

"Of course."

"My entire fault." I continued in my sarcastic tone.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't smile like that when I'm driving... It's very distracting, you know." He responded. I groaned and facepalmed. He thought that I was complaining about the compliment, although, truthfully, I was terrified because his words made my heart flutter. Which is something that shouldn't happen around Carter.


It was the same situation as a few nights ago. I lay on Carter's bed with the Macbook Pro, every so often sipping the Arizona Iced Tea placed on the table by the bed while Carter was playing the windwaker. From time to time he would steal a glance at me. A familiar buzzing broke my concentration from updating my blog. I quickly pulled out my phone but, I had no new messages.

"It's yours." I alerted him.

"Can you bring it to me?" He inquired. My fingers made contact with the cellular device that lay next to my tea. I carefully set the laptop down while getting off the bed. I took about ten steps before I could hand it to him.

"Can you watch me play?" He asked. I was going to say no at first because, you know, Tumblr, but when I accidentally peered into his sparkling ocean orbs, there was no possible way of saying 'no.'

"I've got to stop letting you win all of the arguments," I commented while stepping over his legs so that I could take a seat on the chair that was next to him.

"Hey, Carter, did we have any homework?" I questioned.

"Well, there was that math sheet." He said.

"Finished it in class," I noted while glancing up at the screen. "You're going the wrong way," I told him while scrolling through the newsfeed on Facebook from my phone. I realized now would be a great time to text my mum and tell her where I am.

To: Mom

Carter took me back to his place a while ago. We're playing video games now. I don't know when I'll be home. Any certain time?

I quickly read over it again, searching for any spelling mistakes before pressing send. I set my phone on my lap and glanced up at the screen and watched Carter continue sailing on 'The King of Red Lions' in search of any triforce charts.

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