Chapter 17

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Astrid's P.O.V

"Your legs are really soft..." Carter commented while lightly gliding one finger along my thigh. I immediately batted his hand away. My actions earned me a laugh, but even I knew he was probably going to do it again.

"What time is it?" I inquired.


"Only 11?" I inquired while furrowing my brow and closing my eyes once again.

"Your Mum wants you home by one so, I'm not letting you go back to sleep."

"You fall asleep fast," I stated.

"You have soft legs." He continued.

"Stop saying that!" I moaned but, my aggravated tone only pushed him to continue his actions from before. "Carter... That tickles." I told him, but as always, it didn't stop his irritating actions. I was forced to smack his hand away once again.

"Kiss it better." He ordered while holding his finger near my lips.

"It's eleven in the morning. You're lucky I'm not biting your finger," I mentioned. He chuckled before placing his hand around my waist once more, encompassing me within his grasp. His head rested on my shoulder once more; his warm breath caressing my skin. Why must beds become a thousand times more comfortable in the morning?

As always, I became very lost in thought once silence had crept upon us. I was no stranger to being a prisoner of my thoughts, and surprisingly, this time, they were good thoughts. I was contemplating about Carter and me, however, I quickly realized that I knew so little about this boy who knew so much about me. Have I changed this much? I was always the listener, not the talker, yet I know practically nothing about someone who knows so many of my secrets.

"Carter, what were you like before you moved here?" I inquired. His body tensed up, but only for a second, which gave me the idea that he didn't care much for his past.

"I don't want to bore you." He whispered while relaxing once more. I was genuinely interested; however, I decided not to push the subject. I don't want him to answer that question unless he wants to. Before long, I was dragged back into my thoughts.

Feelings die, don't they? Carter has had quite the history of moving, so what makes his time here any different from anything he's ever experienced before? I've never been that memorable. Even Aiden left without a proper goodbye. What makes me so special? Nothing. He'll leave. Everyone does. I guess that's just the risk you take when you trust people. I mean, you know they're going to leave or hurt you, but, for some reason, we can't stop feeling a certain way about someone. My stomach churned at the thought of Carter leaving and not even remembering my name. He never talks about any of his old friends. Would he forget me?

"What are you thinking about?" Carter questioned, breaking the silence.

"Why do you want to know?"I asked.

"Curiosity..." He answered before propping himself up on his elbow. His eyes met mine; the morning light seemed to put so much life into his tired appearance. I thought people weren't supposed to look attractive in the morning, but I guess I was wrong. I planned to tell a lie. He doesn't need to know how often he enters my mind, but one look into those crystal eyes practically forces you to tell the truth. I let the silence linger before my thoughts formed into words.

"How someday you'll forget about me," I whispered. I tried to make my words as inaudible as possible, but Carter always tends to hear the things I wanted to keep hidden. My words confused him; it was evident that he was expecting me to lie. His hand reached for mine, tangling our fingers. He proceeded to bend my fingers as if it was a game, when he reached my pinky, he entwined his with mine. He was about to speak, but not before he placed a quick, innocent kiss on our locked fingers.

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