Chapter 12

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"My favorite language is sarcasm."

Astrid's P.O.V

"Astrid! Wake up!" Harlow shouted while jumping on top of me. I let out a soft groan, the remnants of my dream being chased away by the realization that I was awake. I wanted nothing more than to fall asleep once again.

"Five more minutes," I suggested.

"School starts in ten minutes." She told me. My eyes snapped open.

"I'm awake,"  I replied while jumping out of bed. The curls in my hair remained in the same place as last night and, the makeup stayed on my face. I didn't have enough time to change it now; I had to go like this unless I wanted to be late. I ripped off my dress and put on tight jeans and an oversized sweater, like always. Harlow and I dashed out of the front door of the apartment, grabbing two chocolate muffins and our bags from the counter on the way.

We tore down the street, the fresh crisp morning air entering our lungs as we hurried to the school. As we reached our destination, the bell rang. I let out a sigh of relief.

"We're lucky..." Harlow whispered. We broke apart at the top of the stairs as she went to her locker, and I went to mine. I stuffed my bag into the locker and pulled out the notebook I needed for the first period. I was trying to get to class without interruptions but of course, that hasn't happened ever since Carter started school here.

"Aw look, the outcast got all dressed up." Vicki sneered. I ignored her as if I hadn't heard her comment.

"The... The Romans?" A stunning girl with a pug-like face next to Vicki tried to read.

"The Ramones." I corrected it.

"What?" She inquired. Oh yeah, I forgot, people like her only listen to the popular songs on the radio. I rolled my eyes.

"Forget it." Vicki started. "If you're trying to impress Carter, it's not going to work. He and I have gotten close lately." Vicki added. I tried to suppress a laugh. The truth is, nobody knows about Carter and I's relationship except for the people who have seen us outside of school and, I can't see them getting that close since Carter spent practically every day with me after school.

"Plus, he likes girls like Vicki. Not outcast freaks." Her friend continued.

"Thank you for showing interest in my life; however, I don't really think it concerns me. I don't like Carter Daniels. End of story." I told them as I shut the door and closed the lock around it. Vicki rolled her eyes.

"Just stay away from him." Vicki started. "And if you do manage to steal him, there will be consequences." She spat. I couldn't do it anymore. A laugh escaped my lips.

"I'd hate for you to break one of your perfectly manicured fingernails," I called out as I headed for class. I know I handled that in the wrong way and, I was extremely rude but seriously? What else was I supposed to do?


The day seemed to go by faster than usual. Usually before spring break, the hours seem to pass like days, but every hour seemed to pass like minutes. I wasn't complaining, even though it was only Wednesday we were inching closer to a week away from school. I longed for days where I didn't have to worry about finishing my assignments. I quickly entered my third-period class and sat down. It was in math with Mrs. Martin. This was the class where I first met Carter. Speaking of Carter, he hurried into class with a group of girls following him like always. They all scattered as he took his usual seat next to me. Vicki, who sat in front of us, turned around and made a quick conversation with him.

"So, Carter, are you busy during the break?" She questioned with hope in her voice. I began to laugh, but I concealed it with a cough. She gave me a confused look before turning her attention back to Carter.

"We could hang out... like a date." She continued to explain. I couldn't hold my laugh back this time and, she noticed it quickly.

"Do you have something to say, Linnea?" She spat.

"Who asks someone on a date in math class?" I managed to get out while laughing. I mean, lunch was next period where she wouldn't have to worry about teachers so, why not wait? Even Carter tried to hold back a laugh. The thing about him is that when someone laughs around him, he can't help but laugh and, he especially laughs when I laugh. My laugh always tends to be funnier than the predicament.

"Vicki, pay attention." Mrs. Martin ordered as she put problems on the board for us to work through. Vicki scowled at me before turning around in her seat to look at the board. Half of the class passed without any distractions just work before Carter had placed a folded piece of paper on top of my notebook. My fingers fumbled with the edge of the paper, and I tried to open it as quietly as possible.

Wanna go on a date over break?

I rolled my eyes and snickered a little before writing a reply on the back. He only asked because he knew it would make me laugh.

No, now pay attention.


"See you tomorrow," I called out with a wave as I walked up to my driveway. Carter ran up to me and took my hand.

"No, you're coming with me!" He protested while walking in the other direction but, being very careful not to pull me.

"Carter, your mother is barely there, go visit her," I told him.

"She adores you!" He continued.

"She only met me last night."

"Yeah, you're also different from everyone else I used to talk to." He added.

"What's it going to take to make you shut up?" I inquired.

"For you to come over." He answered. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. A grin appeared on his face; he knew he was winning our argument. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to my mother, asking if I could go to Carter's.

From: Mom

Sure, be good. Harlow is here and, she'll be here overnight so, no need to worry about not seeing her. Be home by 11.

"This is the last argument you're winning, Daniels," I told him.

"Whatever you say." He teased.

"Next time I'm not giving in."

"You probably will."

"Shut up." I joked.

"In your eyes, I'm irresistible." He replied while posing. I began to laugh.

"Yeah, your model poses make me go crazy," I stated while rolling my eyes as I kept walking. "Maybe you should try them on, Vicki," I called as I continued. He jogged to catch up to me.

"Absolutely not." He responded.


"Because they're reserved for you." He answered. I groaned.

Lucky me...

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