Chapter 18

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"Not like this."

"Why don't you invite him over?" Harlow asked.

"I'm around him all the time. What about if we just spend some time together?" I suggested.

"Uh... Sure."She answered in a shaky voice. I then remembered that Harlow was currently in a relationship.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I forgot all about you and Jayden. You can go see him if you want. I'm fine to be alone." I told her.

"No, I'll stay with you." She said in a shaky voice.

"Harlow, go spend some time with your boyfriend. You've been at my place for a week. I know I can't have you all to myself. I enjoy being alone, you know." I stated. She bit her lip, still pondering about what to do.

"Go." I urged with a smile.

"Okay." She whispered. She pulled me into a quick hug before walking out the door. "I'll be back tonight," She added. That was the last thing I heard before the sound of a closing door rang throughout my empty room. It seemed as though a thousand questions were attacking me at once. I quickly pulled my phone out and sent Carter a response to the text he sent me minutes before.

To: Carter

Well, I'm alone right now.

After that, I slipped the phone into my pocket while getting up. I strolled into the kitchen and began to dig through the refrigerator. A few pieces of cut-up watermelon seemed to catch my eye, and I took them out and quickly munched on the delicious fruit. Carter always seemed to respond to my texts rapidly, so it was no surprise when I felt my phone vibrate after eating a few pieces.

From: Carter

Come over.

I could practically hear his voice while reading the text. I let out a soft laugh before placing another piece in my mouth.

To: Carter

Convince me...

I pressed send and sat for a few moments in silence before I received another message.

From: Carter

I have Iced Tea, video games, Tumblr, food...

To: Carter

Okay, okay. You convinced me. I'll be over in a few minutes.


"Here, catch..." Carter said as he threw a can of Arizona Iced Tea towards me. I sat down on one of the many chairs surrounding the island in the kitchen while working on opening the can.

"Oh, hello, Astrid. How lovely to see you." Elle spoke while stepping into the kitchen. I whispered a 'hello' before taking a sip of my drink.

"I've got something to ask you." She stated while taking a seat that faces me. Carter immediately put his hand to his face while muttering 'mum.'

"Ask away," I said with a smile. The thought of this embarrassing Carter was absolutely fantastic.

"Well, as you know, I take photographs of models for a living. There is a new clothing line that asked me to do a shoot for them, and they saw your picture and were wondering if you'd be one of the models?" She asked. Modeling was definitely out of my comfort zone, but it's experiences like these that I will regret not doing later on in life. I set my tea down on the table.

"Astrid, you don't have to." Carter began.

"Elle, I'd love to," I answered, although I wasn't entirely sure how great of a model I'd be.

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