19\\New Roommate

Começar do início

Curtis chuckled before nodding, his bottom lip tucked under his teeth. "What are we going to do about it?"

Phoebe grinned drunkenly before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the bathroom, closing the door as their breaths were overtaking the overall noise in the bar. Their lips continued to mould into one as they took off their clothes, one by one. He stopped kissing her and started to go down her neck, trying to leave a mark but Phoebe pushed him off her. "I'm sorry, this was a mistake," she said before zipping her dress back up and left Curtis needy in the bathroom, not having one regret what's-so-ever.


The sun started to beam in through my apartment's curtains, even though they were shut and the room started to become like an oven. I groaned pushing the blankets off my body as the blankets were only making the heat worse. I knew Niall would probably be here soon to make this his temporary home for the month and I didn't mind that, it's nice to be able to catch up with him after all these years.

My eyes were still shut while I was laying on my back but they slowly opened as my view consisted of the ceiling, the bumps and not-so-smooth bits more noticeable when you're staring at it. I smiled, remembering what happened yesterday, meeting up with Gemma again and spending the day with Harry, even if my barf wasn't the best thing to happen.

I yawned while stretching my arms up, letting all the bones get back into what they were like before I went to sleep, a few of my elbow bones clicking, feeling way better after doing so. I sat up, looking towards the door of my bedroom, seeing it open like I left it. I got up from my bed, walking into the bathroom but not before I got interrupted by a knock on the door. I checked the time on my phone and it read nine-fifteen, not knowing what time Niall would be turning up.

My mind started to race as well as my heart began beating super-fast, not knowing who the mystery person was. I was in my tank-top and sweats, my hair in my world-famous high bun. I walked towards the door, not bothering to look through the peep-hole as I opened the door, blinking to make sure I wasn't dreaming. "Good morning Blondie."

"Harry? What are you doing here?"

"Bringing you something to eat, I thought we could eat breakfast together since you still owe me for looking after you yesterday," he pointed out as a paper bag was in his grip, two coffee cups in his other, walking past me and into my apartment. I stood at the door for a few minutes, not knowing if I was dreaming or not. "Blondie, if you want to become a doorwoman, I think they're looking for one at the apartment over the road. So many "celebrities" need their apartment doors opened."

"Shut up," I said before I closed my door, my cheeks starting to burn up with a light pink colour. "I look like I've just gotten out of bed but that's because you got me out of bed to let you in."

"Aw, I'm sorry pumpkin, I should've let you get your beauty sleep. You're gonna need as much as you can get," he said in one of those baby voices, like he was mocking me.

"I think if you want to have breakfast with me, you'll put a sock in it," I narrowed my eyes at him before he held his hands up in surrender, letting out one of his chuckles that he really needed that for his day to be amazing. I walked over to the table where he sat, my coffee on one side as he wanted to sit across from me. He grabbed out a container and as he opened it, giving it to me, the aromas of the contents filled the air. It was a hash-brown with a mcmuffin from McDonalds.

"Your coffee is a latte, from your favourite coffee shop and you know where the food is from," he grinned which made his dimples on show and it just makes you want to make a bed in it, it's super deep in his cheek and it's super cute. "So, what's on the agenda today, Blondie?"

Conflicting Attractions // h.sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora