"Oh, I'm sorry... That is incredible." He corrected. While leaving my fears and insecurities behind, I allowed my lips to come in contact with his soft lips. I don't know where this burst of unexpected confidence came from, but I could tell I wasn't the only one who liked it. His fingers toyed with the loops of my jeans, attempting at removing any possible space between us. It was as if we craved each other in a way that being affectionate couldn't fix.

"How did you even convince my mum?" I questioned after our kiss had ended.

"Well, I told her that you were tired." He began. A blatant lie, I thought. "And I told her that you'd be sleeping in the extra bedroom." He added. I let out a small laugh. Carter and I both knew that none of us were leaving this room until it would be time to go to school tomorrow morning. My mother was either really gullible, or she had a lot of trust in me, and I was genuinely hoping that it was the latter.


I awoke the next morning to the scent of eggs and bacon. Confusion set in once I realized that I wasn't in my bed. Memories of last night flashed through my mind, and a smile tugged at my lips. Last night was different from most nights, and for some reason, I liked the change.

I maneuvered my way through Carter's room to the kitchen. I was quite familiar with the layout of his house; however, getting from one point to another was still considered a difficult task due to the size of his home.

"Good morning!" Carter cheered as I stepped into the kitchen. He rushed to get us each a plate of food.

"Thanks," I said while taking a plate and munching on a strip of bacon.

"I think you should spend every night at my place," Carter spoke; he obviously had no filter in the morning.

"What time is it?" I questioned, ignoring his comment.

"8:25," He answered.

"Carter! The bell rings at 8:30!"

"I know." He calmly replied. How could he be calm about this?

"We'll take my motorcycle." He added.

"Go get dressed," I ordered.

"You can wear some of my clothes." He suggested while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah, you know how that would look to everyone else at school, right?" I inquired.

"I don't mind if it looks like that." He told me.

"Well, I do. I'd rather stick to the clothes I have on." I responded. "Now hurry," I commanded.


(At lunch)

"Ooooooh, you spent the night at Carter's house." Harlow teased.

"And you showed up late to the first period." Jayden chimed in. I couldn't stop my cheeks from going red, which obviously gave them the wrong idea.

"Oh my god, Astrid! Why didn't you tell me sooner?" She questioned.

"What do you mean?"I asked.

"Stop playing stupid. You know exactly what I mean." It's true; I did know what she meant, but just how she assumed that I had sex with him after spending a night at his house made me laugh.

"I didn't, don't worry," I informed them, stopping the rumor before it even started.

"Well, Jayden and I-" She began, but I cut her off by putting my hands on my ears and making loud noises. They both howled with laughter.

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