To: Carter

Avada Kedavra.

From: Carter

I survived...

I let out a small laugh. Instead of replying, I decided to set my phone down. When I looked up, I met the curious eyes of my Mother and Harlow. Great.



"That'll be 8.67" The boy behind the counter announced. I quickly handed him the money and took the ice cream. I handed one to Harlow and one to my Mother. I whispered a 'Thanks' as we walked back towards the beach.

We began to walk along the shore while attempting to finish our ice cream before it melted.

"ARGHHH." I managed to let out while ice cream dripped down my hand.

"JAYDEN!" Harlow shouted. By shouted, I meant roared. I swear, sometimes, she has no idea just how loud she truly is.

I glanced up. This is the first time I've been this close to Jayden since the amusement park. Jayden stopped talking to me when Aiden did. Those were still painful memories, but they were less painful since I started talking to Carter. I don't know how to explain it. I guess my problems didn't really seem like problems when I was around him.

"Hello, Jayden." I began in a cheery voice; I also gave him a small wave. He seemed somewhat relieved at my reaction to seeing him. I guess he expected me to be angry. Maybe I should've been upset, but it just seemed so pointless to hold a grudge when I had moved on and found someone who makes me happy.

"Long time, no see." He replied in a soft tone. It was as if he was still worried that I would blow up at him at any moment. Then again, he was always a shy guy.

"Yeah, I missed you. We should catch up sometime." I responded.

"Actually, I came over here to talk to you." He mentioned while scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm right here," I told him.

"Um... Alone..." He stated while looking at Harlow and my Mother.

"Harlow, do you mind?"I asked her, seeking her approval. I didn't want to be alone with her boyfriend if she didn't want me to.

"Go ahead. I trust you, Astrid." She urged. I gave her a smile before venturing down the beach for a few minutes with Jayden.

The warm sun made my skin tingle; perchance, it was just the beginning of a sunburn. I couldn't help but notice how the grains of sand would squish between my toes or the familiar sound of the waves crashing onto the shore. I peered around. There were couples applying sunscreen. There also were children laughing and splashing each other in the water. It was an ordinary beach day. Once we were far off enough not to be heard, he quickly started a conversation. I glanced back at Harlow, who gave me a wave before applying sunscreen to her arms.

"Okay, Astrid. I'm sorry for being immature. We used to be four close best friends, and I just cut you off." He began.

"Apology accepted, you know I can't hold grudges," I told him with a smile; however, he did not return my smile.

"I'm glad that we can be friends again, but I knew you were going to do that anyway. Truthfully I'm here to talk to you about Aiden." He said. I tilted my head to the side; it was something I always did when I was confused or when I sought further information about the subject.

"Listen, Astrid. He's in the car. He's been a wreck-" He quickly explained. However, even Jayden knew I was going to cut him off. This wasn't Aiden. He never acted like this.

"Yeah, because he seemed so hurt with his one-word text after he walked away after kissing me! He walked out on me. He forgot me when he should've been noticing me the most. If he was here, he should've explained it to me himself." I spat. Jayden flinched at my harsh words. I closed my eyes hard and took a deep breath.

"Jayden, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to-"

"No, obviously, you aren't over it." He said with a small smirk.

"How could I be? He just left..." I whispered while looking down.

"Do you still have feelings for him?" He questioned.

"No," I answered before my brain could even think about an answer.

"He's been a wreck." He repeated.

"Well, he doesn't seem like it. Where is Samantha? They're probably kissing right now! The only thing that's different from last year is that you'll be there to comfort him when the break up comes this time." My words came out harsher than I intended. I guess talking about Aiden was a touchy subject. My temper seemed to rise so fast.

"I'm sorry." I breathed as I looked down.

"It's okay." He comforted. "Also, that brings me to my second point..." He began.

"Yeah?" I inquired; I was quite delighted to change the subject to anything other than Aiden.

"So... You and Carter..." He started while giving me a big smile, which suggested he knew more than he let on.

"Ugh, you sound so much like Harlow..." I commented. At the mention of her name, his cheeks flushed; it was so cute. It made me wonder if there was anyone who blushed when my name was spoken. Probably not.

"I'm guessing she told you everything?" I continued.

"Every detail." He began. "Just one thing... Don't you think you're getting too close too quickly? I don't mean to be the protective type. I just don't want to see you get hurt again."

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