"Did Carter Daniels just call me cute?" I inquired.

"Do I need to repeat myself?" He questioned. At his response, Vicky entirely tensed up. Perchance it was the fact that the girl she bullied the entire way through high school was closer to the guy she liked than she was, or maybe, it wasn't that at all. I guess she didn't approve of our conversation because she spun in her chair and started up a conversation with Carter.

"Hey, so there is a party at my place on Saturday. You should come." She offered. Once again, I tried to conceal my laughter, although she looked so hopeful.

"I mean, everyone is going to be there." She added.

"Well, can Astrid come?" He questioned. I could tell it pained her to answer this, although she didn't want to say 'no' to Carter.

"I mean... If she wants sure." Vicky answered in a sickeningly, sweet voice. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I knew she was going to tell me not to go to the party in the hallway once Carter wasn't near me.

"I'll text you the details," Vicki told him.

"Oh... That reminds me. Astrid, you never gave me your number when you were supposed to a while ago." Carter stated. I was hoping he'd forget about that.

Vicki sighed and turned in her seat. Wow, she must hate me talking to Carter. I quickly copied the notes down from the board.

What's your number?


I sighed at the note that lay open in front of me before turning the sheet over and scribbling my number on the back. Carter seemed quite content that he could text me and annoy the crap out of me whenever he felt like it. Of course, that would make him happy.


The rest of the day seemed to pass quicker than it was supposed to but, that was okay. I didn't want to be here, anyways. The final bell had just rung but, one of the joys of walking home was that I could take as long at my locker as I wanted.

"Hello, Linnea." A girl hissed.

"What do you want now, Vicki?" I inquired with a sigh as I began to pile books into my bag.

"I want you to stay away from Carter, but it doesn't seem like you want to... So what if you don't go to my party?" She questioned.

"Sure, I don't care," I told her honestly.

"Wait, Carter will only go if you go. Actually, go to my party. Just don't spend time around him while you're there." She continued to drone on.

"You are obsessed with him..." I commented. "Look, I don't care about your party," I told her. She rolled her eyes before realizing she had a bus to catch and sprinting down the hall. I let out a sigh as I locked my locker, skateboard in one hand, and my bag slung over my shoulder. My phone buzzed from my pocket, and I quickly checked the new message.

From: Carter

Meet me at the front. We can skateboard home together.

Wow, he was really taking advantage of this whole 'having my number' thing. I also realized that my mother texted me about ten minutes ago.

From: Mom

Come home after school. You can go to Carter's after.

I quickly slipped my phone back into my pocket and left the front doors of the school.

"You like having my number, don't you?" I questioned as I hopped onto my board and took off.

"A little too much." He answered as he quickly followed behind.

"Hey, you've gotten good at skateboarding..." He commented.

"Thanks, I learned from the worst," I replied. He began to chuckle.

"Look, I don't want to ruin your plans, but I probably won't go to Vicki's party..." I told him. I was now only a minute away from my house so. I was going to have to wrap up this conversation quickly.

"Then I won't go either." He responded. Vicki would have my head if he weren't there.

"So, you'll only go if I go?" I asked.

"Pretty much." His answer forced me to roll my eyes.

"I'll think about it." Was the last thing I said before turning into my driveway.

"Come to my house." He demanded.

"No can do. My mom wants me home." I called out while heading for the door.

"I'll see you around!" I shouted as I stepped through the door.

"Here you go." My mother greeted me while handing me a cup of Starbucks coffee. I gave her a quick hug. She truly understands me.

"That's what you wanted me to come home for?" I inquired with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes, but it would be nice to talk to you before you go running back to Carter." She answered. I took a sip from the cup; warm liquid met my lips and slid down my throat.

"I thought that you, Harlow, and I could go to the beach sometime next week." My mother suggested.

"Sure," I answered.

"Well, do you have anything planned? I don't want to plan something on a day that you're busy."

"Well, I was invited to a party, but I doubt I'll go," I mentioned which, I instantly regretted. I knew she'd try and convince me to go. She was always about living life to its full potential, and if she saw an opportunity for me to have fun, she'd want me to participate.

"What time?"

"Saturday night," I told her.

"Good. I think a beach day sounds good for Thursday. What about you?" She inquired. I only nodded in response. I looked down at my phone because I felt it buzz in my hand.

From: Carter

I miss you already.

"That boy likes you, doesn't he?" She questioned.

"How did you know-?" I started.

"The way you smiled at your phone." She answered. "Astrid, will you please go to the party... for me?" She asked. I let out an enormous sigh. It seemed like a regular routine to lose arguments at this point so, why not lose another?

"Sure," I answered, but I was unsure if my answer would bring good or bad.

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