"We have a new face in this class, everybody say 'hi' to Carter." She announced before a chorus of 'hi's erupted.

"Today, we'll be talking about major scales. Can anyone tell me the pattern a major scale follows?" She questioned. My hand shot up. She pointed at me so that I could answer. Everyone's eyes were on me.

"Tone, Tone, Semitone, Tone, Tone, Tone, Semitone," I answered.

"That's right! Can anyone tell me the name of the major scale that has no sharps or flats?" She questioned. Aiden's hand shot up.

"C major." He answered. This stuff was glued into our heads. Aiden and I were very musical people. We couldn't help but know this stuff.

"Thank you, Aiden, for answering. Now, can anyone other than Aiden and Astrid tell me the notes on the treble clef staff lines?" She questioned. The class remained silent. A note landed on my notebook. I opened it as quietly as possible and read the writing.

I see your lover!

I quickly gave him a glare, which made him giggle before I wrote a reply.

Shut up! It's not my fault I got stuck with showing him around. Ugh, how can people not know the answer to this? It's like the easiest thing ever!

I threw the note back at him, and he slowly read it before he began to write a reply.

"You all can't rely on Astrid and Aiden to pass this class for you..." The teacher announced. I see someone in the front row slowly raise their hand.

"Thank you, Carter. At least you're trying..." She said as she motioned for him to answer. Just the mention of his name made me roll my eyes.

"Uh, from bottom to top, I think it's E, G, B, D, F." He answered with uncertainty in his voice. Wait, how did Carter know that?

"Correct!" Mrs. O'Leary congratulated. Three girls sitting around him patted him on the back and whispered, 'you're so smart' to him. I mentally face palmed before I noticed a note sitting on the corner of my desk.

Look! Your lover knew the answer. Ooooooooooh, Astrid, and Carter! Okay, I'll stop teasing you before I get hurt. Anyways, you busy after school?

Yeah, you know I will steal your food and sit on you! O: I'm so mean. And sadly, I'm stuck showing the new kid around after school. What about tomorrow, or the weekend?

I tossed the note back and gazed at Mrs. O'Leary, who gave me a pleading look to help. I looked on the board, and she was pointing at the spaces on the staff lines. I raised my hand, and she motioned for me to answer.

"From bottom to top, it's, F, A, C, E," I answered. She thanked me, but you could tell that she wasn't that happy with some of the people in her class. I slowly opened the note sitting on my desk.

You better be free this weekend. There's a fair.

I am, how much money, though?

You see, I wasn't rich. I lived in a tiny apartment with my mom. We didn't have a lot of extra money, but I'm not poor.

My treat, I'll pay.

I can't do that to you! It's not fair.

Come on. It's okay. I want you at the fair. Without you, I'll be lonely. Plus, Jay and Har are going, so; I'll be like a third wheel. I think Jay's going to kiss her on the Ferris wheel at night! Oh, and you can't ride the zipper alone. Please!

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