"Hey, you write music?" He questioned. I didn't feel like responding, but I was curious... What is this kid's connection to music? Can he play? I grabbed the paper and stuffed it into my bag. I think he got the message since he turned to face the front of the class.  I quickly began to scribble the notes into my notebook while she explained it to the class. Most people weren't listening, and my mind kept thinking about fourth period, which, for me, is music. All three of my friends are in music; it is easily my favorite class of the day. In case you're wondering my schedule goes:

Period 1- Ancient History

Period 2- English Language Arts

Period 3- Math

Lunch - 1 hour free.

Period 4- Music

Period 5- Art

The class seemed to be full of notes and explanations. However, five minutes before the bell that signified class was over, Mrs. Martin stopped the class.

"Alright, Carter, you can pick someone from this class to show you around the school. Anyone willing to show Carter around put your hand up, please." As soon as those words left the teachers' mouth, about ten different girls' arms shot straight into the air.

"Wow, it looks like you've got quite a selection. The choice is your Carter." She told him. Carter bit his lip as he looked around the room.

"Um, if Astrid could show me around, that'd be great but, it's okay if she doesn't want to." He answered. I got at least three glares from that. I mentally sighed before looking at the teacher.

"She'll do it! She's a great student, so; you should be able to find your way around here with her guidance." Mrs. Martin answered for me. Usually, I'm not angry, but right now, I am. I like to be alone, but Carter decided to sit next to me. I can work around that but, all the glares are unnecessary, and Mrs. Martin signing me up for something I didn't even want to do just fantastic. Note the sarcasm.

The bell sounded, making students rush out of the classroom to get to lunch early. They began to talk even louder than at the beginning of class, which is kind of hard to believe. I grabbed my notebook and hugged it against my stomach before walking towards the door. I took one step out of the class before I got called back.

"Astrid!" Mrs. Martin called. "Wait for Carter." She finished. I rolled my eyes, not even going back to get him. I just stood in place.

"Are you sure you don't mind showing me around?" He questioned once he caught up. Yeah, I do mind, Carter. But, of course, I didn't say that.

"I guess but, there were at least ten girls to pick from. Why me?" I asked. He just shrugged his shoulders and remained silent.

"So, what is your locker number?" I inquired. I don't know why I actually made an effort to talk to him, but I guess it was since I was FORCED to show him around. It'd be a pretty dull tutorial without someone talking, wouldn't it? I pushed the door that led to the stairs open and began to go down them.

"Um. 426." He replied while looking at a piece of paper.

"Oh, okay, your locker should be on the main level. It should be near the music room. You're lucky." I told him.

"Really? That's good. My fourth period is music, so; I guess I won't be getting lost." He answered. Are you kidding me? I mentally sighed. The last thing I wanted was this Carter kid to ruin my favorite class of the day.

"We have an amazing music program here," I replied while trying not to sound annoyed. We were now on the main level. I led him to the left and down the hall of the music room and shop class. His locker was right outside of the music room! I've always wanted one of those lockers. That way, when I forget my sheet music, I wouldn't have to run up a flight of stairs and down a hallway.

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