Lillian Pov

I can't do this! But I need to... ugh! I grabbed my hair and pulled it in frustration. What if he doesn't allow me to finish and storms off? What if he attacks me and takes me to his father? What if he already knows and is waiting for me to say something? I kept running the thoughts in my head... How am I going to start!!!! "Hey Zuko, uh.. I'm a Tenshi and well i am the princess and I.." Ugh, I can't... I kept walking in a random direction. I know that I have all my belongings from Ling but I needed to think, "You know... if you were an earth bender, this city would tremble at your mood swings." I heard a voice say, "Who said that?" I asked in a panic, "Relax dragon girl." Toph said as she stepped out from the shadows. I felt my body relaxed, "if it isn't the pebble?" I smirked at the odd nicknames we have for each other, "What brings you to the lower ring?" I question but take in my surroundings to see that I'm not where I thought I was, "I think I should be asking you what your doing in the middle ring." Toph said with a smirk. I found myself smiling at her, "thinking and oh yeah! thinking." I face palmed. Toph placed her hand under her chin and i watched her milky eyes, "That Zuko guy is here in the city, isn't he?" Toph said out loud, "uh..." I felt defeated and just nodded my head, "I knew it!" she cried but I placed my hand over her mouth and rushed into a alley, "Please don't say anything to the others! He's forgotten about Aang and we are trying to start over and I-" Toph punched my arm, "Relax, I believe you." She said catching me off guard, "You what?" I questioned myself even, "I can tell your telling the truth." Toph said surprising me further, "Anyway dragon girl, I need to go." Toph said as she turned and walked away from me, "See you around..." I whispered.

I looked up to the sky to see all the different shades of blue and small gold clouds. I need to head back to meet Zuko before he worries about me.

The streets were so quiet but it was due to the fact that it was the Earth King's birthday or his bear's or was it his cow's? I saw the library but instead of Zuko it was.. "Uncle? What are you doing here?" I asked slightly shocked. Uncle Iroh rushed over towards me with a worried face that dropped my heart... "Lillian, we must hurry back to the apartment!" Uncle said as he grabbed my wrist and began pulling me in the direction on the apartment, "What? Zuko and I were going to-" Iroh cut me off, "Zuko is ill. You need to help me heal him." Iroh said afraid. I have never in my years knowing Iroh ever heard his voice full of so much fear and heartache. 

Third Pov

When Lillian burst through the apartment she found Zuko on the floor buried in blankets with a cloth on his head and a pained expression on his face, "What happened?" Lillian demanded in fear as she knelt down beside Zuko, "He is fighting an internal war." Iroh stated plainly. Lillian stared at Zuko with so much worry and sadness that he almost did not see her scars on her back glow, "Lillian you need to keep his head cool and make sure he stays in the blankets." Iroh said deciding not to show his worry for his nephew hoping that Lillian would not over stress herself. Lillian nodded and dipped the warm cloth into the cold water, "I'm going to find some herbs to make him tea." Iroh said softly placing his hand on Lillian's shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

Once Iroh left Lillian did what she was told over and over. Zuko didn't move at all, "Zuko... can you hear me?" Lillian whispered. Nothing. Lillian took a deep breath and sat in the lotus position as she began meditating. There was no time to worry or panic, if Zuko were to wake up he would need her to be relaxed and not over react.

Breath in...

Breath out...

Breath in...

Breath out..





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