Chapter 76

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I frowned I was about to say something but he interrupted me and said, "Listen, Amara-" with that I knew what he wanted to say and I'm not going to let him do it.

"It is real, I know it. Harry, I know what you're about to do and please don't do this to me" I begged

"I don't want to do this Amara" He looked at me angrily "I'm not the good guy remember, I'm the selfish one, I do what I want and I take what I want. I have anger issues; I don't do the right thing... but I have to do the right thing by you"

I caressed his face "Does this feel wrong" then I kissed him "Does this feel wrong"

He looked into my eyes "Amara you still love Logan" he burst it out.

"My feelings for you haven't changed, Harry. Nothing is changed"

"Everything has changed, Amara"

"Yeah, okay. Fine, I've changed but so have you Harry and I'm happy"

"you don't make me happy." I frowned as he completed "To know that this entire time that I have been completely in love with you that what you actually felt for me was not real"

"Harry it is real, stop saying it's not" I held his hands but he pulled them away

"Don't" he said and I was shocked.

"I'll sleep in my room," I said without looking at him or waiting for an answer.

I went to the room and started crying. 

Is me being with Harry a mistake? I mean did I lose true love with Logan, was he the one.

I don't think I love him more than Harry. with Logan, I feel like I was sleeping my whole life but Harry, He Just-I don't know his life is an adventure it's like a mystery, I have to solve and every time I solve one I get another one. It's fun but sometimes it just pulls us apart.

I breathed out.

I heard my room door opens revealing sexy shirtless Harry, I brushed that thought out of my head.

"Do you know why I'm here?" I frowned "because my guilt keeps me up at night, I don't expect you to believe me, I need you to give me one more chance."

"Harry, you're complicated. One second you're all happy and the next you're all evil and I seriously don't know how to-" he stepped closer saying "AMARA LISTEN TO ME" He raised his hands then quickly put it down

I looked at him shocked, He was going to hit me and by his looks, he shocked himself

"Sorry I didn't mea-I didn't mean to-"

~Harry's P.O.V~

"But you did it anyway, because even if you're telling the truth, the old you is still inside of you. You go around hitting people, getting drunk. Accusing me of still loving Logan"

"Because you still do" I whispered it "You gotta help me, I'm losing my mind, Keep getting the feeling you wanna leave this all behind. Thought we were going strong, I thought we were holding on. Aren't we?" I waited for her to answer but no answer came out of her so I broke the silence "Say what you're feeling and say it now, 'Cause I got the feeling you're walking out either way".

"We're over, You and I are over. We're friends just friend nothing more" she hissed as I froze didn't expect that to happen.

The world still turns, stuck in motion, and the wheels keep spinning 'round. No one is saying anything, did she really mean it!

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