Chapter 43

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"You cheated on me Louis, I don't want to be with you."

"It meant nothing Amara" he took my hand

"Let go of my hands Louis"

He threw me to the bed and started ripping my clothes off, I screamed for help.

"Don't scream" he closed my mouth with his hands

He kept kissing my neck, trying to unzip my jeans.

I suddenly woke up and sat on the bed and after what just happened I can't sleep but I lay down on the bed anyways. I sat down again; I can't believe I'm going to do this. I stood up and headed to Harry's room.

I knocked the door "Harry" I opened the door

I heard him groans "Yes"

"Can I-" what I'm stupid for coming "never mind"

"No come back, what's wrong" he sat opening the lamplight as he rubbed his eyes.

"I had a nightmare and I can't sleep"

"Come here" he taped next to him on the bed. He wasn't wearing a shirt. Fuck his abs.

I went and sat next to him.

"Tell me about this nightmare"

"Its from my past"


"I don't want you to look at me differently when I tell you this"

I could tell that he's fully awake now "Tell me Amara"

"First can you cover your body its distracting me"

He smirked and just covered his body with the blanket "Now can you tell me"

"Okay so remember Louis"

"How can I forget that bastard?"

"Well long story short, that bastard used to be my ex we broke up because he cheated on me with my best friend."

"Ouch" he said

"That's not the end of the story, back in Canada he almost raped me and he hit me that I fainted in the end"

"WHAT, That bastard" he stood up

"Hay-hay Harry he was drunk an-"

"That's not an excuse to rape a girl are you fucking kissing me, I should've kissed him when I saw him"

"Harry relax" he breathed out and came back to the bed

"Then what happened?"

"Well I don't know a guy came and helped me it was in Halloween, I don't remember his face because I fainted I guess he took me to the hospital and-" he looked at me like I'm a puzzle "Harry what's wrong?"

"Where did this happen?"

"Mississauga in Canada, why?

"Amara, I was in Mississauga. I went there for a business trip with my family and I remember saving a girl from a guy in Halloween but I couldn't stay at the hospital because I had to come back here"

"What? No it can't be" I looked at him shocked

"Do you have a scar?" I didn't move "scar on your hips, on your left. I remember because I kept pressing on it until we arrived to the hospital" he saved me.

I lifted my shirt and lowered my pants for him to see the scar, it was small but you can see it

"I kept thinking about you everyday, when I came back I called the hospital to check on you but they told me you left and they cant give me your name or anything because I was a minor and everything I don't know these stupid patient doctor confidential stuff... Amara?"

"You saved me!"

"I saved you" he smiled at me. I don't know why but I hugged him

"Thank you"

"You don't need to thank me, it's getting late." He says, and I look at my phone. It's about one in the morning. I haven't realized how long we've been talking for.

"You don't look comfortable with what you're wearing"

"Thanks Sherlock but I don't have any clothes with me" I quietly said rolling my eyes at him

"You can wear something of mine if you want." He suggests grabbing a white shirt from his drawer, and black basketball shorts.

I get kinda nervous as I enter his bathroom and lock the door behind me.

When I take my shirt off I realize I'm wearing black bra red underwear. You can defiantly see through this shirt. I have nothing else to wear so I slip it on and cover my chest with my arms as I walk out. He hesitantly looks away, before smirking.

"Nice bra love". He breathes, trying not to stare too long.

"Stop!" I shriek, laughing as I hide myself under the blankets.

"Fine lets go tosleep," he said closing the lights of his lamp.

I slept next to him making sure I don't touch his body while I move. I'm sleeping next to Harry styles the bad boy, who thought that this would happen.

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