Chapter 24

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____(At the Car)___

"Good thing he doesn't know that Harry left" Blair said

Just hearing that hurts

"Why is everyone scared of Harry?" Logan asked

"ummm he had a tough life" Liam said

"But he's not that scary once you get to know him" Niall said pulling over at my house

"Okay guys do you want to come in?"

"I actually need to go back home I need to pack for work"

"Oh, you wont go to university to complete your studies"

Everyone laughed even Logan

"Amara we take our family business all of us me, Niall, Harry and even Zayn" Liam said

"Yeah we study while we're working" Niall added

"Oh" that's the only thing I could say right now explains how all of them are rich.

"where did you get in?"

"Brooklyn University to study art"

"That's good" Logan said

"That's really good Amara I'm so happy for you" Niall said

"Okay Amara and Liam have a great trip and don't forget to call" then I looked at Liam "Call me" and I'm sure he knows what I'm talking about.

He smiled and nodded

____(2 weeks later)____

"Did you finish packing" mom came to my room

"Yes all the boxes are downstairs"

Logan came in

"I just finish bringing down the last box"

"Thank you Logan you're so sweet" mom said then looked at me "he's a keeper" then went out of my room

I smiled at Logan

"So I guess you wont take me on my offer"

"Which offer?" I asked curious

"Moving in with me"

"Oh that"

"Yeah that"

"I'm going to Brooklyn"

"I know"

"Lets not ruin this moment by fighting and keep kissing because I'll miss you"

"I'll come after 3 months then we can rent a house there"

I nodded and kissed him.

____(One year later)___

I entered my apartment.

"Logan I'm home, can you order pizza for us please I don't want to cook today"

"Okay babe" Logan is here as he took over the company back home, so now he's having meetings here and there and he travels a lot but I'm happy for him. He got everything he wanted.

I got into the bathroom to take a shower and when I was done the door bell rang I hurried up and opened the door thinking it's the pizza delivery but I was surprise to see a guy holding lily flower more than one colour. There is blue, purple, red and more

"Hi can I help you?"

"Yeah I have been asked to deliver these flowers here"

"Who is it from"

"I don't know ma'am I'm just the delivery guy"

"Okay, thanks" I took the flowers in

I think it's from Logan, what a sweet thing to do and how did he know that I loved lilies. I guess he knew me too well.

Logan came out of our room

"Logan hold this I'm going to change" the bell rang again "and I think that's the pizza answer it"

I went in changed to my PJs. Then I went to eat.

"Who are these flowers from anyways" I looked at him confused

"I thought it's from you?"

"No, I dint get you that one"

"Then who did?"

"I don't know"

"Maybe Blair and Liam or Niall"

"I don't think so"

____(Years later)____

The same thing been happening someone has been sending me flowers.


I still don't know who its from I called Blair, Liam and Niall and none of them sent me these.

It has been 4 years in a row. It's weird, yet so sweet. I still think its Logan because it comes exactly before my Birthday. He's the only one who knows when my birthday is, other than my mother.

Oh and if you have been wondering about Blair and Liam are engaged now their wedding will be in summer so I'm going back home for the wedding and for my internship. They have been sending me pictures of them, I actually envy them. My mom got engaged to a guy called Jack. He's sweet I talked to him few times on the phone but I haven't really met him face to fac. My mom is happy so that's the most important thing.

So everyone is getting engaged, Logan keep telling opening the subject about settling down together but there is this feeling that says I shouldn't, I don't know maybe I'm just scared to settle down.

Or maybe because you still have feelings for Harry

It's you again, you left me for 4 years and now you decide to come back why don't you just leave me alone

I think you still have feeling for Harry

No I don't, I love Logan and I'm happy with him

Really then why haven't you guys had sex?

Because I'm not ready

Yeah I'm sure that's the reason

Even though Harry haven't contacted me since the day he left and he didn't bother saying goodbye

I thought you didn't care.

I don't care about Harry.

Keep telling that to yourself but we all know that you do.

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