Chapter 66

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~Amara's P.O.V~

I heard a knock on the door "That must be Saffron" I said as Blair rushed to the door.

"Saffron right? come in" Blair said coming in with her

"YOU" I said to Saffron as she smirked "So you're Saffron, you're the reason me and Harry are together"

"You're welcome"

"So you were on a date with Niall?" I said more as a question

"It wasn't a date" she said a bit annoyed with blushed

"You like him?" Blair said pulling her to the couch

"I have a boyfriend"

"So you like him" both me and Blair said at the same time

"I'm here to dress you up so lets do that shall we. BTW heard will be wigs involved"

"Its a masquerade, what do you expect. and you have to conceal your identity and at midnight everyone takes off their masks." Blair said

"You can kiss Niall then, you'll be with a mask" I said

She was actually considering it.

~Harry's P.O.V~

I looked at my watch, I'm really late for the party and I cant miss it and this meeting is taking too long.

I heard my phone buzzing, I looked at the ID caller and it was Liam. this is the 4th time he's calling.

I took my phone and stood up "Excuse me" I said to the other man in the room

"Liam I'm in a meeting"

"I know and I'm sorry but you have to come now"

"I'm trying but I'm waiting for the papers to be signed"

"Harry, Louis is all over Amara and he's treating her like a princess, from my point of view he's winning the bet"

"FUCK" with that I closed the phone

I walked into the meeting "Send me the contract by fax I have to go"


"No I'm out" he didn't dare to talk back he knew how mad I was

I rushed out got into the car.

~Blair's P.O.V~

"YOU WHAT?" I said to Liam

"What? I called Harry to come, didn't you see how Louis was with Amara."

"Yes thats why i was keeping an eye on him" i pointed at where he was but he wasn't there anymore.

Liam raised his eyebrows "where are they"

"It's fine Amara is right-FUCK"

"its fine we're going to the masquerade party now, I'll call her and get ready then I'll see you at Niall's place"

"Why Niall's?"

"The party is there you idiot" I Kissed his lips with a smile on my face "See you on the other side"

He smirked "See ya" he walked away

I pulled out my phone calling Amara, it rang six times until she answered "where are you?"

"Chill I'm with Saffron and Louis" Amara said calmly

"Girl get your ass to the car"

~Harry's P.O.V~

I was in my suit without a mask on as I walked into Niall's house with everyone wearing masks and dancing I walked seeing Niall "Why aren't you wearing a mask" I asked Niall

"Why aren't you wearing one"

"You know I don't do mask"

"It was your idea"

"and a stupid one thanks for reminding me, now where is she?"

"Umm I don't know last time i saw her she was with Saffron"

"Your girlfriend" I smirked at him

He rolled his eyes and pointed at two girl by the table "There"

I walked to them, thats not Amara so its "Harry"

"Blair" I looked at the girl next to her, I guess thats "Saffron right?"

"Yes and I guess you're looking for Amara, she's out-" Saffron was interrupted by Blair "She might be getting us drinks"

I frowned "Blair where is she" I clenched my teeth

"She's getting us drinks"

"I know when you're lying. where is she?" Now I was extremely mad knowing that she's with him

"She's outside near the pool the last time I saw her" Liam came from behind me


I ignored them all and rushed outside seeing Louis talking to a girl from her hair I knew it was Amara. I walked to him clenching my fist and punched him hard causing him to fall down.


"Don't ever go near her"

I tackled him beating him even harder than before.

"Some one call the police and the ambulance" I hear someone say

"HARRY" Amara screamed

I stopped looking at her, I stood up walking to the car as Amara rushed behind me.

"Harry, wait"

"What Amara?"

"Are you okay?" she sounded pissed

"Just get in Amara" i gestured at the house

"What was that all about? you can't do that to a person I'll stay with you so you don-"

"What? so I don't hit anyone else?" she stayed quite then I added "Why is it so important for everyone to keep me in check"

"Because I don't want you to be what other people think that you are"

"What? A monster Amara I'm not Logan so how about you stop trying to turn me into him".

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