Chapter 6

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___(After one hour)___

"I can't believe we're done and you actually worked with me, but I think the earth and moon are too big"

"Come on it looks great, we'll get an A+ for this"

I sighed "okay"

"Are you kidding me this calls for a celebration"

"Well tomorrow we have school so I'll just go back to sleep"

"Wow you're no fun"

"I don't care now go"

"Fine I'll celebrate it with the lads and babe you should hide the hickey before your mom sees it and thinks we're having sex or worst that we're together"

"Shoot" I opened my bun and let my hair fall down "that's why she kept saying all of that"

"What?" Harry looked at me with a confused look

"Nothing, now go"

We were heading to the door when Harry stopped and looked at me


"Yes Harry"

"Thank you"

"For what"

"For being you"

With that, he headed out the door and into his Rang Rover.

____(Next morning)____

I was at my locker when Blair walked up to me

"Hey Blair"

"Hi Amara, where have you been?"

"Here and there"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah!" I looked at Blair confused

"So you have nothing to tell me?"

"No Why?"

"so you didn't have a date yesterday with Harry?"


"Liam said he went out with you yesterday"

"Liam? You guys are a thing now?"

"Yes kinda, wait don't change the subject"

"I'm so Happy for you" I gave her a hug

"Me too. now spill" she broke the hug

"Nothing happened he came over to do the project"

"Which project?"


"Oh, and nothing happened?"


"Then where did that hickey come from" she pointed at my neck

"What, this?" I pointed at my neck "I got burned by the curler this morning"

"Then why isn't your hair curled?"

I gave her a weak smile "I meant my cat scratched me"

"Amara you don't have a cat, and a cat doesn't leave this kind of marks. Next time you want to lie, don't. You suck at it? NOW SPILL"

"Okay fine we..."

"Hey. Bitch." A snobby voice sounded from behind me and I know exactly whom it belongs to "BITCH! I'm talking to you!" she shrieked shrilly. I turned around and see none other less, Vanessa.

"Listen. You stay away from Harry. He's mine" she snarled. I smiled.

"Oh so we're still calling names, I see. Okay Slut, that's what I've been trying to do these past days. Tell that to your dumbass boyfriend" I said jerking a finger at Harry as I spotted him. He looked up from his phone and around.

"Huh?" he asks.

"Oh, nothing, this slut..." I paused for her name as I acted like I forgot it.

"Uh, Vanessa" She stammered, her face beet red.

"...Here thinks she owns you, nothing much" I say in a bored tone. I then looked back at shocked Blair.

I expected Harry to start yelling at her and humiliate her even more, but out of the corner of my eyes I saw him glaring at her, then she runs away. Wierdos.

I told Blair everything that's been going on, wierdly she didnt want to know the details of the kiss but she gave me a lecture for not telling her sooner.

___(Last period)___

I'm thinking of skipping class and go back home since my last class is Math, which I really don't feel like attending.

"This isn't the way to class, I'm pretty sure" I looked behind me and it was Zayn.

"Why every time I want to skip a class you appear"

"Because I always skip classes" he looked at me with his mysterious smile "here come with me".

"Where to?"

"Just come with me I want to show you something"

"Oh shit, are you going to beat me up?" I gasped, trying to avoid the awkwardness of me going with him. why am I going with him?

"Nah" he replied

He stopped and looked at me. Now I'm confused what's happening.

"Why did we stop?"

He came closer to me; I backed to the wall until there wasn't any space for me to go back.

"Zayn what are you doing?" I whispered. He smiles, which makes me shiver.

"Shhhh" with that he slams his lips against mine, I gasped. I do want to kiss him but not like that we dont know each other, I struggled, but it was no use. His arm wrapped around me, pulling me closer to him. The kiss was rough, forceful and demanding. He finally pulled away.

"You didn't kiss me back, why didn't you kiss me back? I thought we had something special" he growled.

"I don't wa-" he cut me off by kissing me again. I refused to kiss back. Suddenly. He was ripped away from me, got punched and thrown to the ground with such force that I heard a huge crack. I saw Harry standing there, his eyes wild and filled with such loathing and anger, even I was scared.

Holy shit!

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