Chapter 67

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"Non of this matters to me"

"Harry, People get hurt around you, I get hurt. How could it not matter? It matters and you know it" With that I couldn't feel anything but my burning red hand.

I slapped him... "I'm sorry"

He slowly looked at me with his sharp green eyes, I gasped and stepped back a bit.

I cant Believe I did that...

"You need to leave, Now" Harry said breathing heavily

"I don't have a ride" looking at him a bit guilty

He looked at me, then took out his keys "Lets go"

"It's fine I'll ask someone to drive me back"

"Amara, I said Lets go" I didn't move, he came to me and picked me up and started walking to the car I assume.

He put me down on the seat and closed the car door, as he got in and started driving.

The ride was silent, non of us dared to talk.

we arrived to his house and I rushed to my room, feeling tears on my cheeks.

I sat on the bed wiping the tears off. The only thing that will make me feel better is for me to take a shower.

I got into the shower taking all my clothes off and started drifting with my thoughts.

What was he thinking, I mean he could've went to jail. How could he do this and around me, I was afraid of him at this point but I don't know why. I can't stay away from him, I mean yes I'm mad at him, pissed actually but I don't know, I kinda feel safe around him.

What The Fu** am I saying. feeling safe around him?!, I'm starting to get mad, aren't I.

I mean he could've hit him to death.

Okay, now i'm being dramatic.

I ignored my thought and started washing my hair.

I stepped out of the shower and went to the closet, took a big sweater and put it on. I let my hair down, I like to let it dry by its own.

I was hungry but I wasn't going out there to face Harry, I wasn't ready to deal with his s*** not yet.

I pulled my laptop out and started searching for a movie to watch, I clicked on paranormal activity and started watching it.

In the middle of the movie I heard something in the house, I ignored but then again I heard a bang, I quickly hid under my blanket. Trying to ignore my hunger but I couldn't anymore so I waited few more minutes then I decided to go to the kitchen as my stomach was growling, big time.

I stood up opening the door, looked around and I saw a golf bat. I took it and started heading to the kitchen.

I heard Harry's shower is on so he must be showering, good so now I don't have to run into him.

The lights were off as I saw a shadow in the kitchen, I lifted the golf bat. I saw a person walking int the kitchen and from the body I could tell it was a guy as he was searching for something in the cupboards.

I started screaming and running to the person getting ready to hit the person but he quickly took the golf bat out of my hands.

"Fuck" wait I know that voice

"Harry?" I quickly turned on the lights and there he stood, shirtless and with a towel wrapped around his waist "What the fu** are you doing here?"

"What The fu** are you doing, Amara? and with my golf bat" he placed it on the table "Where did you get it from?"

"I thought you were a burglar"

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