chapter twenty four.

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"Call my parents in." He repeated one of the last sentences he would ever speak. Ashton reluctantly stood up, walking towards the automatic doors. The only sound was the creaking floorboards as he solemnly walked up to his parents, both dressed in rather dark colors. His mother wore a reserved black dress with black gloves while his father sported a black button up shirt. "He's um...he's-..." He said with the small amount of voice he had left. They both nodded, walking behind him, not in any hurry.
All three of them stood quietly, tears escaping without any effort. "Wait for your brother." Mrs. Hemmings spoke, pain covered her voice. Luke kept his eyes focused on the ceiling to avoid the heartbroken looks on each of his loved ones faces. Waiting patiently for Luke's brothers to arrive, Mrs. Hemmings decided to break the agonizing silence. "You were my perfect boy. Bright blue eyes and a head full of hair as soon as you were born!" She couldn't help but let out a weak laugh. "You were the happiest little boy. You did everything from basketball, to-to drawing. You read non-stop, hell; your second home was the library." Taking a break to sniff, Luke's lips quivered, he let out more tears than he thought he could make. "When got turned 16... God, I was so happy. I couldn't wait to be a proud mum, to see all the beautiful things you would do with your life. You were on such a great path, you had such good intentions." The subtle joy soon turned into sadness once again. "You didn't deserve this. I-" She was abruptly cut off by a door slamming open. "Where is he? Where is my baby brother? Am-am I too late?" Luke has never heard his brother more upset. "Jack, he's right here." His mother summoned him into the room, the incense had finally burned out. "Luke, Luke.." His brother cried, looking at his brother in the same bed he's been confined to for almost two years. "Jack, it's nice to see you again...for the last time." Oddly, Luke had a hint of uncertainty in his voice as he spoke. "I wish I never got you that stupid fucking bike. I-I wish I got you something else like, like a football! Or...or a new bloody sweater!" He got louder and louder each time, practically ripping his hair out with anger. "Jack, please." The anger transitioned into sadness, as he sat in the rocking chair near the window and cried hysterically. "Lukey... please...." Ashton repeated himself, even though he promised to stop asking. Luke was too tired for anger anymore. He was too tired to put up a fight, too tired to argue. Too tired to breathe.  Luke's racing thoughts soon blocked out the crying and hysteria coming from the people he loved.
You are loved.
Selfish bastard, are you really leaving your family just because you can't walk? What a pity.
followed by;
You won't be missed. Take the pill. Go on.
Times up. No more pain.
He swallowed hard, shutting his eyes tight in an attempt to stop the thoughts. He didn't know what to do anymore. Should he live? Or should he die? Is this what's right for him? His sticky tears turned into tears of worry. He opened his eyes and scanned the scene. Ashton was clutching his tear-soaked sleeves, Jack was gazing out of the window at the sun, His mum and dad clutched a picture of him when he was young. Everything seemed to revolve around the decision. He took a deep breath, even though he couldn't feel his chest rise and fall. "Mum? Dad? Jack? Ashton?" All their attention was towards him immediately.
"I want to live."
The sound of a pin dropping could be heard throughout Luke's bedroom. Everyone was in shock, including Luke himself. "F-for real?" Ashton's planted on frown slowly turned to a smile that reached from ear to ear. "L-luke..." Jack slowly turned to his brother, his back facing the window. "I can do this." Luke said softly, still uncertain about his decision. "Let me go outside. I want to be with Ashton." He proceeded to say. "Come on baby, it's beautiful outside." Ashton could barely manage to get words out, the feelings he was experiencing were too strong. Picking up Luke, he placed him in the chair he thought he would never see again. Happiness filled Luke's body. Ashton was the reason he decided to keep living. "Let's go to the garden. It's across the street." Luke sweetly spoke. His face looked so soft, his hair was perfectly combed and gelled. What he thought was going to be his final day turned out to be something amazing. "Are you sure you can take the chair across the rubble road? I mean... I don't want your wheel to fall into a pothole!" He laughed genuinely. "Watch me." He winked.
With the two boys happily going outside, Ashton held onto luke's armrest, feeling the warmth of his arm. Looking both ways, the two boys were headed to the garden, already smelling the blooming roses. "I love you Ashton Irwin." Luke softly said, trailing behind the skipping boy. Before he could turn around to smile at him, he heard an engine getting closer to the two. "Luke, Luke. Go the other way." His voice filled with worry. "Hmm?" Luke couldn't turn his neck. He heard a truck, a truck getting louder. "LUKE!" Ashton tried to push him and the chair he was strapped into.
But it was too late. The crushing sound made Ashton scream so loud he couldn't hear himself.

Luke's life was taken the same way it was ruined.

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