Chapter 8- I Saw You (Teaser)

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Why Don't You Love Me Chapter 8- I Saw You (Teaser)

Why Don't You Love Me Chapter 8- I Saw You (Teaser)

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Larry POV

"ASHLEY," I hollered over the loud music.

"Hi baby," she smiled as she leaned in for a kiss. I quickly lean over the bar in order to make her advantage more accessible while also turning my head to the side as she planted one on my cheek. Her faces instantly turned confused once she opened her eyes while realizing I hadn't given her my lips as usual. "You Ok?"

"Oui! I'm good," I faked smiled.

"You nervous about your performance tonight?"

"Never," I grinned cockily as her smile brighten.

"So I finally get to meet your twin. Where is he?" she asked while her eyes search the crowd behind me.

"He's coming. He's parking the car. But I need for talk to you."

"Ok shoot."

"Not here, not now, but sometime tonight."

"You know we never just talk babe," she flirted as I took a deep breath as the images of what she meant popped in my mind. I then realize that tonight's talk would probably be harder than I thought. But it had to be done fast. I had to start setting thing straight fast if I ever wanted a flying chance of fighting for my past life again.

"We gonna talk," I playfully warned as she raised a challenging eyebrow.

"It's so cool that you brother Roy works here now. He's a dope DJ."

"Yeah, me and Lau always support our friends."

"That's why I love you baby," she said as she closed her eyes and leaned in yet again for a kiss and again I gave her my cheek.

"Did she just say she loved me? Oh shit," I thought.

"Is something wrong with my lip's babe? Why won't you kiss me?"

"Because you are not my compass," I thought to myself. "Non, you lips are beautiful, can you make me a drink?" I rushed in order to change the subject. It worked because she giggled and batted her eyes at me.

"Baby you barely drink and you know what happened the last time-, as a matter of fact, 1-"

(Female Voice) "Vodka and Cranberry...... right Larry?" Said a voice that brought chills to my spine as I slowly followed (a confused) Ashley's eyes towards the left of me.

There she was.

I felt my soul leave my body as I stared a hole into the side of her face. Ashley however, chose to ignore what I was sure she just heard and went on to address the other women who sat just left of my WIFE.

"Oh hi again. Milan right?" Asked Ashley as she leaned over to kiss the side of Milan's cheek. I, however, couldn't keep my eyes off of my past, my future, my fucking runaway compass as she stared off into space while refusing to give me her eyes.

Why Don't You Love Me -by Larrysjoy23Where stories live. Discover now