》new year, new regrets

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Fireworks, booze, music, and no shortage of entertainment. The trademarks of a Stark party, this one just happened to be on New Years. Midnight had come and gone, a new year was here, but that didn't mean it wasn't too soon to start making new regrets. Most of the party goers had gone after the impressive firework display leaving the Avengers and select friends to the private sitting room and lounge. That's how you found yourself sprawled out on a couch between Sam and Bucky.

Tony had only just broken out one of the most expensive bottles of whiskey in his vault when Loki stood to leave, he had long tired of the festivities. "Don't be like that frosty!" Tony almost shouted, struggling to properly get through the wax seal on the bottle. The god bristled at the name, but during his stay at the Tower, his past transgressions had slowly been forgotten. His party tricks and illusions had caused quite the stir earlier in the evening. "I can't believe I'm agreeing with Stark," Nat lamented.

You sat up and looked over the back of the sofa, giving the God of Mischief a pouting look that was laughable at best, "Come on Loki, don't be the party pooper." He relented and took a seat in the chair opposite of you. Loki's pale and sharp features seemed wholly relaxed for once.

Somehow the peaceful reserve and turned into drinking games soon after. Liquor and beer bottles were strung over the sitting area, the table you all sat at was almost covered with them. Steve, Bucky, and Loki were hardly fazed by the copious amounts, but the effects were showing in Tony and Sam. It was a shame Thor couldn't make it, you thought.

Tony had suggested the game and everyone agreed, even Steve, and now almost everyone had lost a piece of clothing and their modesty or inhibitions. Rogers was the most dressed still, then Loki, but you suspected that he was just bored and partially lying as rounds went around the table. Sam had said something that vaguely registered but it sounded like something you had done before. Clint groaned and pulled off his dress shirt and you settled for taking off the slip beneath the silvery grey dress you'd picked for the evening.

You shed your sheer stockings next and wink in Steve's direction. He swallows hard and flushes but Bucky wears a cocky grin and laughs. But now it's your turn and this time Loki is your choice victim, he was far too dressed compared to the rest of the group. "Never have I ever fucked an animal." Loki frowns and sheds his pressed black dress shirt but most of the group looks at Tony in shock and horror when he shrugs out of his white undershirt.

"What the fuck Stark?!" Sam exclaims half spitting out the swig he had just taken from a bottle of Bud Light. Tony shrugs and offers a one-word explanation: "College." You, however, keep your gaze turned toward Loki, the pale expanse of his lithe chest exposed with the hardly noticeable little scars that you had found one night. Suddenly the room seems to be suffocating, Loki is not looking away from you.

Nat catches the estranged glances that you and Loki had been sharing and lifts her martini to perfect red lips, "Never have I ever slept with a god." Loki smirks, his gaze lingering on you. You're mine, darling, he tells you while standing to undo the belt of his black slacks. You wiggle around in your chair for a moment and reach down picking up a pink pair of knickers that you toss toward the growing heap of clothes. The flush on your cheeks isn't from embarrassment, but from the thoughts that pop up in your mind about what Loki can do, the way he looks at you doesn't help either.

"Who was it?!" Bucky asks. The table's attentions directed at you now. Loki's smirk turns to a grin.

"It was Baldr wasn't it?" Clint says in a manner that's meant to be a question. It was true you and Baldr had hit it off quite well after your first meeting but it was not the valiant son of Asgard or the God of Thunder that you had shared a bed with. You scoff, "No it wasn't, and I'm not going to tell you pigs anything."

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