》new dimensions

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"Mother, please, he has been at our door for most the day. I see potential, as do you. Do not turn him away," it was out of place to make such a plea, to challenge the Sorceress Supreme in her choices, to show defiance to her mother. Even after witnessing the man's doubt in regards to their powers and ways she still saw potential, as did Mordo.

"Wynne," the Ancient One's patience was wearing thin.

Her daughter smoothed down the front of her robes and fiddled with her sling ring, it was more tempting now than ever to vanish, "You fear he will become like Kaecilius," Wynne lifted her head and met the gaze of the Ancient One, it had been ages since she was an actual mother to her, "I will teach him," she declared with an iron resolve.

"You still must learn to control the Eye of Agamotto, it needs a master." Her protests stopped there, she and her mother both knew well that the Eye of Agamotto would not reveal its secrets or powers to her. It chose its wielder and it had not chosen Wynne.


Her mother had agreed to train him, despite the initial hesitance. He was studious and determined, at times skeptical and stubborn. Wynne pushed back the hood of her cloak and smiled at Stephen Strange despite the ache in her heart, "Come with me," her voice was a whisper, soft and airy, but there was no way to doubt the power within the command. She held out her hand for him to take.

His hands had been the reason behind searching for them. They trembled beyond his control no matter what he attempted to do. Wynne could feel the roughness of the scars and the metal hidden by skin when he placed his hand into hers.

Before them was a spark of light that grew into a ball and then a doorway which they passed through. It was another world entirely, yet earthlike in every way despite the vast emptiness of the city they stood in. "Wha- how?" She hardly heard his shocked question, there was just something about her dimension that always calmed her mind and made her feel at home.

Wynne walked along the city street, turning and shifting the pavement as she went, "This is my dimension, only those who travel through its gates with me are permitted entrance," from the impervious surface emerged a field of wildflowers that spanned as far as the eye could see, they even covered the skyscrapers. "I crafted it when I was young and have spent countless hours here." She stooped down and picked up a flower, but the petals fell away and in its place was a butterfly.

"My hands," the doctor held his hands up but there was no trembling, no struggle between body and mind, the scars hardly remained. Wynne smiled, a truly enchanting sight, "While in this dimension there is no sickness, no pain, and no injury. Time still persists yet ailments of the body do not, not even age." He looked at her in awe, then tried to mimic the simplest of magic that she had just performed, though it did not work.

"You must clear your mind. See the possibilities," in her long years she had seen many gifted sorcerers give in to the darkness and others who could not see beyond the logic of earthly knowledge and laws. She liked to believe that magic and science were not so different from one another. "This is not the time for logic or control, Stephen. Let the energy flow," his stubbornness was as irritating as his ego, he was much like her beloved Ragnar. Wynne pressed her thumbs against his temples and forced her energy and power to clear his thoughts till only she and her dimension remained. "Can you feel it?" He nodded.

In her dimension he was already a master, bending matter at will, creating and destroying. With a wave of her hand a building was torn down and with a wave of his, it was repaired. Her city was in shambles but it brought a strange type of joy that she had not felt in centuries.

Wynne touched the earth, picked up a stone and turned it into bluebird, "There's a flame of magic inside every stone and every flower, every bird that sings and every frog that croaks. There's magic in the trees and the hills and the river and the rocks, in the sea and the stars and the wind, a deep, wild magic that's as old as the world itself. That is what we deal in, Stephen Strange." She turned to face him and saw the infinite questions forming in his mind.

"Who are you, really?" he asked, the slightest amount of amusement in his voice. A quirky smile on his lips as he looked around this strange dimension.

She shrugged, "A student, Dr. Strange, just like yourself."


When it occurred to her what the Sorceress Supreme had done, Wynne was quick to slip on her sling ring but before she could open a portal it was gone. Her mother had taken it, a sternness the young master had not witnessed in many years was on the ageless face, "you are not to go after him."

"He'll die!" I don't want to lose him too. Wynne's frown deepened when Mordo stopped her attempts at astral projection as well. The Ancient One turned back to her daughter, "If you have been giving him lessons then it is time he put the knowledge into practice."

"Wynne," Mordo scolded her when he saw her retreating into her own world, but just then there was a spark of light in the center of the training yard and then there was a weak opening that lasted for all a handful of seconds yet it had given Stephen time to fall forward. "So cold," his voice was hoarse, the snow that had been in his hair and beard quickly melted. Wynne pulled off her cloak and draped it over his shoulders, leading him to the bathhouse.

Steam was heavy in the air but at the opposite side of the bathing pool, he could see the sparks and figures that danced on her fingertips, graceful and poignant. She had been so enraptured in her projections that it took several moments before she noticed Stephen at her side. Wynne slipped further down until the water was at her neck, "I believe you had more than enough space at the other end."

"Space? Yes. Company? No," he said. She remained quiet, curiously watching him as he tried to copy her fluid motions to create something but nothing came and his hands trembled even more. He gave up with a heavy sigh. "You seem to know everything about me, but I don't know anything about you," he said suddenly. "Who are you?"

Wynne frowned and her projection vanished, "Someone who has seen generations come to pass." Had he not seen her own dimension he would have doubted the words, but it seemed he had never heard anything truer.

"How did you create your own dimension?" the Doctor could hardly begin to comprehend the amount of time and power it must have took to create a new world. She waved her hand and the steam cleared from the bathhouse.

"By studying, practicing. I was aided by one of the Infinity Stones and from there I created the world I wanted," Wynne shrugged, building the necessary knowledge and strength had been the hard part, actually shaping the world the way she wanted was an easy feat.

"Why?" He asked with honest confusion.

"Because mankind fears what they do not understand, whether it be science, magic, or divine beings," once she had been accused of witchcraft and when a stone was chained to her ankle before being tossed into a lake all hope seemed lost but she had a sling ring. The portal opened and spat her out on an empty beach, it was then she met Ragnar.

Another time she was worshipped as a goddess amongst men and so to protect their kind her mother locked away half her power in a relic and then destroyed it. After that, she created her dimension, where her powers were not limited and the laws of nature did not apply. "I created that dimension to be selfish, so I could keep the people I love there and never have to lose them, but I learned the hard way breaking the natural law has consequences." That's how I lost Ragnar, I tried to keep him from death for too long. I tried to stop time.

"Why are you doing this for me?" Because you remind me of the one I loved above all else. Wynne did not respond, she only held Stephen's hands again and began uttering the incantations, it would take several sessions before she would be able to heal them completely if it was even truly possible. When she opened her eyes she could not speak, it was like looking at a ghost from the past. Stephen slipped his hands from hers and was quick to take her fair face between them and even quicker to kiss her.

"Thank you," he breathed against her lips. Somehow he knew she was the only reason the Ancient One had permitted him to study the mystic arts, he knew that without her lessons that he would still be as lost as the day he entered Kamar-Taj. Wynne smiled, it was soft and delicate, though he only caught a quick glimpse of it as she leaned forward to return his gentle kiss.

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