》star spangled

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"She's a hothead that doesn't take orders well, just like her father." The Captain was automatically suspicious as to why Fury would put him in charge of someone like that. Someone that lived without a code and refused to heed to authority. She did as she pleased, regardless of the harm it could inflict on others.

Steve looked down at the file on the desk and sighed. "Who is her father?"

"James Howlett," The name was not familiar to Captain America and thought it best to supplement the birth name the Director kindly added. "We call him Logan."

"You can't be serious Nick. I need a partner that will follow my orders and stick to the plan. That's how you get stuff done and assure everyone's safety, cooperation. She's not the right candidate to fill Natasha's position." Their heated argument of morals and virtues went on for what would seem like hours before the director stood from his chair as well, eyebrow raised and expression one of complete control.

"You don't have much of a choice, Rogers. I suggest you remember that."

A member of the recruiting team leads Steve down the halls and hidden corridors, telling him about his newest partner, whom he dreaded to meet. "Her name is Akita Wolfe, she's a mutant, like her father but has double the mutations due to the nature of her mother's genetics." Steve could tell the tone of the agent's voice was strained and tense, really anyone who talked about her held that tone, even Fury.

"What can she do?"

"Enhanced agility and strength, while she doesn't possess regenerative qualities like her father since she hit twenty-one she hasn't aged a day, mind you that was thirty years ago. At times we suspect she has telekinesis but that is unproven and she's too erratic to run tests on. Quite frankly, Captain, we don't know what she's capable of." Steve's jaw clenched, he was not going to be a baby sitter, nor was he going to try and tame her so she could become Fury's pet.

"So who's her dad?"

The agent laughed as if would be obvious but even with two names given he never recalled either name to a face. "Wolverine." The agent stopped at the holding center and punched in a generic four digit code to allow the Captain into the room. "Oh, and Rogers, don't point out her height." He nodded and stepped forward as soon as he had passed the threshold the door sealed shut once more. The room was lined with containment cells, many were occupied with common criminals and those that were only considered minimal threats but the largest held a single woman and was hidden away from the others.

"Aye bub. Who the fuck do you think you are?" He followed the voice and prepared himself to face god knows what, inside a glass cell was a medical worker with a needle and vial attempting to collect a blood sample but what appeared to be no more than a girl kept squirming away in her bonds. "Watch it with that thing, will ya?" She snapped at the doctor, who in turn let a string of profanities out before marching from the cell and out of the vicinity of the penitentiary.

Akita waited until she thought she was alone before slamming the cuffs down on her knee, the chain gave way with ease and with a few tugs so did the metal bracelets. The corner of her lips tugged into a smirk when she looked out from the main glass panel. "Oh, I can smell the self-righteousness on you, Spangles. What have you come in here to do to me? Surely Fury knows better than to send his patriotic attack dog."

He stalled for moment and looked over her features, warm brown eyes and soft lips that held a natural red hue. Her dark brown hair was the last thing to set him off down the path of memories but when he clenched his fists at his side he looked at her without a sign of the emotions he was feeling. "Let you out. Your skills are needed for a mission and one way or another I will gain your trust and your cooperation, Akita."

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