》desire and darkness

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You didn't really know how it came to this, how you ended up between the two men, well to be certain one was actually a god. Thomas had hosted one of the many extravagant parties that had grown to be commonplace in the manor, when you had first seen him; he looked so much like the man that was courting you it was ridiculous. The dark hair, the bone structure, and as it was a masquerade the costumes were complete over the top, and his fit the part. It wasn't until you made a fool of yourself that you realized he was a guest, a very important guest at that.

Sir Thomas Sharpe eased away the worries that had grown within you since you encountered the man, his finger ghosted over your cheek, a subtle hint of the wicked promises that would conspire during the night hours, after the guest had their fill of the free liquor. So you waited, composing yourself, engaging in pleasant chatter with the guest, most of which were strangers, but somehow Thomas knew them, every single one. The floor had begun to clear and you caught sight of both your lover and the mysterious man, it was then you noticed the piercing green eyes that stared in your direction, the pink lips that his tongue darted out to wet with his tongue, and the short laugh that Thomas gave sent heat rushing to your cheeks.

They shook hands and Thomas crossed the room, taking your hand into his, leading you back to the mysterious man that you had already met once in the evening. Your lover had long removed his own mask and gently he untied yours, while the only guest remaining undid his. Before you could speak he had taken you hand and brought your knuckles to his lips. "A pleasure, my lady. I am Loki." Your heart raced at the name, he was stunning, much like Thomas was, but there was something even more dangerous about him, a sinister glint in his eye, but then again you were somewhat akin to rough treatment, as Sharpe was a gentleman to be respected but behind closed doors he was possessive, demanding.

"Would you accept our request, my lady?" The question snaps you back to reality, vaguely you had noticed that they were speaking, but lost in your own thoughts their words were lost. Loki chuckles, the sound reverberating deep within his chest. "I do believe she is at a loss for words." Thomas looked to you, a bit of annoyance in his eyes but other than that he was calm and placid.

"My darling, may we share you tonight?" Heat flourished in your cheeks and spread over your body, concentrating in your belly. The answer is but a shy squeak, but you had never been shy, that is one of the reasons Thomas adored you from the moment you met, a lady that spoke her mind, but now, the words and your voice betrayed you. Both blue and green eyes light up at the answer, Loki extended his hand and you took it, marveling at how soft it was and that is was far from warm, in fact his touch was like ice, with a side glance at Thomas, he nodded and the god leaned forward and placed his lips against yours. His other hand destroying the intricacies of your hair that had taken hours of preparation, but you sighed into his mouth and noticed the second set of hands working the strings on the back of your corset, Thomas's lips pressing to the nape of your neck and shoulder.

"I suggest we take this somewhere more private?" You weren't sure which of the men had spoken those words but their hands were insistent, pulling at your gown and their own costumes until a trail of clothing remained in the hall, and once the master bedroom door was closed and locked, the three of you were bare. Your eyes flutter shut and the only way you can differentiate who touches and caresses you where is the temperature of their skin.

"Tell me, my lovely mortal, have you ever pleasured two lovers at once?" You shake your head, afraid that your voice would fail you, and if you opened your eyes this would all prove to be a sick illusion your mind had conjured, the hand on your breast is replaces with something much warmer, softer, until hard teeth bite lightly at the taut nipple.

"Come now sweet, use your words." You knew it was Thomas commanding you to speak, and you open your mouth to do so but the words that are on the tip of your tongue slur into a moan as fingers trail up and down between the wetness at the apex of your thighs, but when they disappear you remember the question and open your eyes to see Loki bringing his own fingers into his mouth, sucking the wetness from them, a low rumble of appreciation sounding deep within his throat, and it is Thomas who toys with your breasts, nipping and suckling.

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