》a link

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One of the parties her parents insisted on holding was naught but a few hours away, it was the last place she wished to be. Per usual her nose was buried deep within one of her late grandfather's books about the human anatomy; however, when a maid and her mother pushed her door open it slipped from her hands and fell to the floor. "Lilith, you must come down for the celebration tonight. There will be many young suitors. After all it is time you learned your place and stopped living that fantasy of becoming a doctor."

The maid set out a corset and gown, not even giving her a choice in what she would be wearing. Her mother reached down, plucking the book from the floor, closed the cover and tossed it aside. "But mother-"

Her mother lifted her hand and out of propriety she silenced herself or else she would have to face her mother's wrath and scolding "It's final Lilith. Your father and I have decided you will marry within the year whether you chose your husband or we chose one for you."

Lilith lowered her head in defeat, "Yes, mother." Pleased with her child's obedience she left the maid to tend in preparations. The corset was pulled tightly, just to the point where it was uncomfortable and the extravagant gown that was placed over it was heavy with beads and adornments. For the past three years her parents dolled her up with only the finest of dress and showed her off like a trophy to be won at these parties. It grew tiresome and only increased her wanted for independence. With her hair coiffed and pinned away in a near painful way she left the comfort of her room and stood at the top of the stairs looking over the gowns and tuxedos.

"Entering now is Miss Lilith Chandling." She was startled at the mention of her name by the butler and to her utter loathing all the eyes in the room looked upwards, waiting for the moment when she would descend the stairs and enter the madness below. Her hand glided down banister, a few of the women turned to reacquaint themselves with dates and husbands, only a few eyes remained on her.

She avoided would be suitors with practiced precision, dodge between people, rarely striking up conversation unless it would keep her from a dance. Now she was cornered, tucked away near a bookshelf a near empty glass of champagne held by her delicate embrace. "Dreadful events aren't they?" Lilith startled and turned to the man that was spoken only her eyes first met the cravat around her neck until she looked up. "Parties, I mean." His voice was articulate, his evening attire was at least a couple years old. What drew her attention to him the most was his sharp features and dark hair, offset by an almost boyish smile.

"Yes, but I never complain about the drinks." At the statement she tipped back the rest of the drink and placed the empty glass on a passing tray. She half hoped that she would bore the man and he would leave that did not work as he stuck by her side even at her silence. 

"Sir Thomas Sharpe." He amended after seeing her curious inspection of himself from the corner of her eyes. He caught her hand and brought it up to his lips, placing a short kiss on her knuckles.

"Lilith Chandling." It was not necessary to introduce herself after the grand introduction from the previous hours but regardless it only felt right to supplement the man with her name.

Thomas's smile returned, that twinkle of innocence and adventure appearing in his eyes. Without preamble he extended his hand to her, "May I have this dance, Miss Chandling?" She had turned down every other offer and with him it should have been no different but she hesitated and looked up with wide eyes that held an impish quality.

"Surely you'll make all the other men jealous." They all favored her attention, if only to get in good graces with her father and his wealth, but this newcomer to these affairs would not have known much about her and that only made her want to place her hand in his even more.

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