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We were stars once and will do as stars are born to do. Burn.

He sat portentously on the gilded throne, his back straight and lips curved into a grim kind of sneer. His loyal subjects had been found conspiring against him. Treason, an upheaval of the system he and institutionalized on their pathetic excuse of a planet. Though he was far from pleased with the situation he watched on amused, that these insignificant creatures thought they could challenge his rule. He had already ordered several of the compatriots be executed, the two that remained watched as their fellow rebels were decapitated on the spot, their bodies yet to be disposed of. He wondered which of the two would speak next, for they would be the next to die for a doomed cause.

He had given them everything, secrets to longevity and the healing methods of his own people. They lived in peace, without freedom, without personal choice as they had done for more than three centuries since his battle had been won. His hand was iron but he was munificent to the mortals, as generous as he dared to be. And then she spoke and his rage was near untamable. He rose from his throne and descended the few stairs that had been stained with the blood of all those who dared to oppose him.

"Do you know what I am? Who I am? I am a god! I am eternal! I have built all you see before you, it was by my benevolence. It was my hand that allowed you to survive and this is how you repay me for my charity!? By waging unending war against each other and my other creations? Tearing down all that I have built for you, destroying all the gifts I have granted you! Seeking to build your 'empire'...you were my children...my beloved creations. No...you are no longer my creations; I have long hardened my heart for what I must do. You are a disgrace to all I have built! And now you will receive the gifts you have wrought for you impudence! Prepare for judgement for you have been found wanting." He stepped on the carcasses of the seven others, bones snapped beneath his boot and what blood was left in their bodies surged onto the golden floor in warm streams of red.

"No." She raised her chin, unwavering as the man beside her cowered back and the one who claimed to be a god moved towards her like a predator eyeing his prey. Einherjar sentries stepped forward, ready to kill once again at their king's command, only he waved them back. He reached out, green eyes burning with hatred and rage, gripping her accomplice's neck he wrenched the man's throat away. Her eyes widened for only a fraction of a second when she looked to her side, the man who had aided her gurgled blood and fell to the floor, but then her cold demeanor settled back in. She was a leader to her people.

"You call yourself god, but you were never divine, never benevolent, and most certainly never our master. You claim to have built everything we should hold dear and it was your 'gifts' we destroyed. You gave us nothing! You left us to die! Trapped forever in the prison you built for us! But we didn't die. We didn't roll over and allow the universe to cast us off. We dug in our heels and fought. We built the towers of steel and glass that you so callously attempted to destroy! We conquered the havens which you would lay false dominion over! We slipped the bonds of our prison and dared to take our birthright back! A right we created with our own blood and sacrifice, not benevolently 'gifted' to us!" The god took a step back, looking down at the little woman apprehensively. He would kill her but not until he broke her spirit and forced her into submission at his feet. Only then would he grant her the privilege of dying and by the nines he would savor it. She would be a challenge, perhaps his greatest conquest.

"If we are guilty of any crime it is the crime of not hunting you down and destroying you while you were unaware of our victory. We are guilty of the false hope that you weakened us with, your love. However, in your campaign to wipe us out, trying to return the galaxy to your vision. You have cast that love, that eternal weakness, from our hearts and minds forever. We will survive, we will still love, and hate, but now we will be free of your corrupt influence!" The mortal took a step towards the god, stepping over the corpse of one of her advisors, her tattered boot left footprints in blood, just like his.

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