》looking blue

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Loki grumbled in annoyance as he gathered two empty buckets and stomped outside, only to return seconds later from the patio to plunder through the drawers for the video camera. Not even twelve hours prior Tony Stark had challenged him to partake in the ALS Ice-Bucket Challenge; and Loki, well he was stubborn, and he couldn't let a 'mere mortal' beat him in such a thing. I leaned over the banister railing of the second floor chin propped on my folded hands, watching rather amused as he scurried about the house, mumbling obscenities and ranting that the cold shouldn't faze him in the slightest.

"Sigyn! Would you mind coming down to help, dear?" He called out, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the tone his voice held as he looked up from the ground floor, hands settled on his hips, the tissue thin white v-neck was stretched from wear and the black gym shorts topped off his generic and messy appearance. Dramatically, I descended the stairs, the same way as I would if we were on Asgard at a grand ball -minus the elegant gown and, in turn it was a pair of yoga shorts and Loki's white button up from last night's gala.

"And how may I be of assistance, love?" I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck momentarily, nuzzling into his collarbone, enjoying the closeness, as I always did, a thousands years and I loved him no less than the first year.

"I need you to dump a scuttle of ice water on me." He sighed, gently pushing me away from him by the hips until my arms slipped and hung by my sides.

"It would be my pleasure." I coyly retorted with a innocent smile, taking his hand and pulling him out the sliding glass doors and onto the flagstone patio. Loki unlaced our hands and dumped the pail of ice into the awaiting water, in the meantime I fiddled with the camera, setting it on the tri-pod. "Ready?" I questioned.

Loki jumped up a few times, shaking out his hands before standing still in nodding. I held up my fingers and began a silent countdown. Three. Two. One. I hit the recording button and stepped aside, walking to stand over by the bucket as Loki gave his introductions. "Hello Midgard, I am Loki of Asgard and thanks to the gracious Anthony Stark; I have been nominated to partake in the ALS Ice-Bucket Challenge to raise awareness for Lou Gehrig's disease. Before we begin I would like to challenge Clint Barton and Thor, you have twenty-four hours. Now onto the challenge." He gave a side-long glance in my direction. "Sigyn, if you will."

I picked up the bucket and stepped forward dashing the ice water onto my husband, at first there was shock on his face, and then the shock transferred to my face as his porcelain skin began to shift to a shade of cerulean blue, the raised markings that accompianed his Jötunn heritage appearing, at first I bit my tongue before stuttering. "Loki? You're turning blue."

Quickly I jumped over to the camera and stopped the recording before turning back around to see that Loki had shifted entirely to his Jötunn form, his eyes had taken on a murderous shade of red and his skin was like ice itself, but the white shirt clung to every muscle on his body, even the raised lines the travelled down his neck and up his legs to his torso. "Loki?" I stepped forward, somewhat hesitant because rarely did he let me see this side, but he stared down at his hands and bare feet.

When he looked up a large smile played upon his lips, seconds later he began laughing, I breathed a sigh of relief. "I should have known that this would happen; it only makes sense that a Frost Giant would react like so."

Using a protective enchantment on myself I grabbed his hand and the camera. "C'mon Frosty let's get this uploaded." I chuckled, running back inside to the laptop on the kitchen table, pulling Loki along with me, not even thinking twice that he was soaking wet and dripping water all over the floor. Together we did a once over, and much to our surprise I had ended the video before his change became apparent and with a single click it was published to the internet. I was somewhat surprised when a pair of blue arms encircled me, but thanks to the enchantment I felt neither the cold water nor the deadly frost bite of his skin, only him.

Turning in his arms, I made quick work of pulling the nearly transparent shirt up and over his head, letting it fall to the floor. He gave a surprised look but smirked as I traced over the raised markings. "Should I help warm you up my Frost Giant?" My smile was impish as I pushed him back towards the stairs. He smiled and began unfastening the first three buttons on the oversized shirt, his fingers ghosting over the curve of my bra.

"I suppose you could try, my love."

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