》 generalløytnant

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Your army was scrambled amongst the civilians of Nidavellir when one of the dwarf generals came charging towards you, his feet skidding to a stop in the hard soil and cobble pavement. "Oberst! King Hreidmar has fallen at the hand of Geirröd." Gritting your teeth in sheer frustration you nodded and spun on the heel of your boot, the giant that had been approaching you from behind fell to his knees when your blade sliced through his torso.

"Who is next in line to command?" The majority of the King's officers and advisers had been slain in the course of the battle and you stood, knee-high in corpses from the three armies that were involved. Had one of your Princes been present, then the duty of leading would have fallen to them, but here you stood in the midst of the battle with blood coating your once polished armor, some of which was your own. The dwarf was silent. "Who is next in line to command?!" You demand, knuckles tightening around the leather covered hilt until your knuckles had turned white and the cuts had reopened. The impending sense of dread was heavy in the air and your cursed Loki and Thor for leaving to relay information to the Allfather.

"You are, Oberst. You are the highest ranking among those that are left."

"Gather the forces, find the wounded. Meet back here." The war seemed to be lost, out of the leagues of men, both Asgardian and Dwarfish hardly even two hundred remained that could stand on their own and still wield a blade. Another hundred were injured, but still living, some were missing limbs and eyes, other had been frostbitten until the bone was close to showing. Seeing as they would only hinder the rest of the campaign, you grouped them together and summoned for Heimdall to open the bridge where they could be treated. They thanked you for giving them a chance to live, pledging their allegiances to not only the Allfather but you as well.

A small dwarf you had learned was named Nabbi stood at your side, "We will attack during the night," you declared, throwing a dagger into the wooden table before you. Had anyone looked at the small dagger with more attention they would have seen that it was not yours, but Loki's. The royal seal was etched into the pommel and the gold inlays were far more than what a typical soldier would have. You wished more than anything for this to be over swiftly so that you could see the golden glory of your home and

"What of the code of honor?" One of the dwarves spoke, his brown beard twitched and over his left eye was scarred from previous battles. It reminded you of your father's scars and for a brief second, you wished he could see you now. Leading armies, making yourself known to the court of Asgard, not to mention that now a Prince fancied you, even if it was Loki. Quickly you snap back to attention and clench your jaw.

"Damn honorable warfare, if we do not gain the upper hand, then this realm will fall and who is to stop them from invading Vanaheim, Alfheim, Asgard?" At the biting tone of your voice the dwarf backed away, leaving you standing. "By the skin of our back and the metal of our blade we will reclaim this land and make it known that those who pose any danger to peaceful realms that it will not be tolerated. Stand with me, follow me one last time. Take up your arms and fight. We ride at sundown."


The battle was won, with your small militant force and ironfisted leadership you were victorious. The giants fled Nidavellir, back into the pits of their own realm. Many of the Asgardians left in the days after but you stayed and aided in the efforts to rebuild damaged homes, destroyed fields. A week had passed and your campaign was going well, what you did not expect was for the Bifrost to open. Half expecting it to be Thor, or even Odin himself you rode swiftly to the landing site, but halted when you saw the green and gold armor. Slipping off the back of your white mare you wrapped your arms around the prince without hesitation. "Loki." You breathed his name and smiled into his neck as his arms wrapped tightly around you as well.

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