》cold hands

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THE STEWARDS' QUARTERS are dimly light and crowded in the wake of the night's battle with the wounded members of the Night's Watch. You rise from looking over little Olly's scrapes and bruises, passing the boy a cup of watered ale to help him sleep —forget the horrors of the fighting. Castle Black was no place for a woman, and every estranged look cast in your direction from one of the men reminded you of that. Frowning, you wipe your hands on a stained apron and step outside into the frozen air. Below, men are clearing out the dead, a mix of wildlings and their own brothers, and beginning to make repairs to fortify the defenses should there be another attack. Jon Snow approaches you and lowers his head in greeting. "I have someone I need you to tend to," he utters.

Castle Black's dungeon is not large, only a single line of iron-barred cells in a short corridor —unoccupied save for the hulking figure at the very back in chains and pocked with broken arrows and crossbow bolts. He wears the thick, mismatched furs of the wildlings, but the fire in his hair is unmistakable. Tormund Giantsbane. Jon unlocks the cell and steps back, letting you pass. "Hurt a hair on her head," Jon Snow starts, ice in his voice, "and you'll be joining your kin on the pyre."

You give Jon Snow a final nod of assurance —you've dealt with worse men than Tormund Giantsbane— and the bastard retreats down the corridor as you set down a flagon of icy water and a satchel of herbs and vials. "Tormund," you greet, unwilling to shy away from his burning bright-blue stare. His notoriety spans north and south of the Wall —the man who suckled a giantess's teat and fucked she-bears. Someone who you wouldn't have expected to find stuck like a pincushion and locked away.

"Heard them say you're a witch," he grunts, hiding a scowl as you prod the arrow in his shoulder. You lift a curious brow. The crows call you a wood's witch. In truth, you're only a skilled herbalist with knowledge acquired from patching up members of the Night's Watch over the years. Maybe it is a good thing they call you a witch —the men of the Watch didn't much care for spirits and magic. "Don't look like a witch," Tormund notes, his voice rough. "All the witches I've known had warts and crooked noses" —he glares when you pull the first arrow from him without warning, knowing they were only bodkin points — "lived in trees."

You lay a damp cloth over the bleeding wound before sliding around to his back. The arrows needed to be removed before you could strip him of the heavy furs to properly tend him. "If I had a cock," you start with a dry laugh, "they'd call me a maester and give me a heavy chain to wear 'round my neck." Pressing your hand next to a second arrow, you wiggle the broken shaft, ensuring the arrowhead would come free too when you finally pull. You see the muscles in his neck tense.

"No more crows to worry over?" Tormund asks, voice gruff. Weren't no more than a hundred men defending Castle Black on the ground and from above —a few more warriors in his warband, and they could've taken the castle to let Mance Rayder walk through the gates to the south.

"None that require my skillset." He looks back, lifting a bloody brow in question. "Plucking arrows from men" —you snatch the third and final arrow from his back and toss it aside, all that's left is the crossbow bolt in his leg— "sewing them back up." Sitting back in front of him, you reach for the ties and straps of his clothes. Grimacing, he helps you divest himself of the layers until your icy fingertips brush against his broken and heated flesh. The wildling is barrel-chested with broad shoulders and strong arms —a testament to hard living beyond the Wall. Tormund lets you work in silence —defeat still leaves a sour taste on his tongue

HE SHIFTS AT the sound of footfalls on the stone, too light to belong to any of the crows. Between the torchlight and the few burning braziers, Tormund can see it is his sweet healer come to visit or torment him. The shackles on his ankles clink together and against the stone floor as he moves around, scooting forward as you grow closer. "Couldn't stay away," he muses as you stop in front of his cell, setting down your satchel and water flagon.

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