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The entire Tower had been on alert with a general sense of unease since Thor announced that he would be returning with Loki. Odin had determined that his estranged son would return to Earth as recompense for his crimes. The Avengers though weren't fond of the Allfather's decision.

You, on the other hand, were indifferent. You hadn't been there during the Battle of New York, or the events that had led up to the alien attack. In fact, you had only been on the team for about four months. Stark and Banner had finally convinced you to join, telekinesis was, after all, a pretty handy power, even if you chose not to use it unless absolutely necessary.

The team had gathered in the lounge area of the Avenger's Tower. Tony nursed a tumbler of whiskey, Clint lazily threw darts, Natasha was reading a through a new mission file, Bruce was finishing up the prototypes of one of his projects, and Steve messed around with the cell phone that Tony had given him to catch up with the times.

And you were curled up on the couch, nose deep in a riveting magazine article detailing scandals and rumors about Tony Stark. These types of publications provided excellent material to keep in mind for blackmail or being able to claim victory in the infamous snark battles that were common.

The room had gone quiet, though you didn't particularly pay attention to that. The others all looked in the direction of the balcony where Thor stood with his brother, free of shackles and muzzle. Loki strode forward into the living space in front of his brother, relishing in the shocked and tired faces of the mortals he had almost overpowered. "Kneel." He quipped before Thor could clap his hand over his mouth to properly explain the situation.

You laughed, not looking up from the magazine, oblivious to the fact that Thor and Loki were present. "Tempting," you sighed, "but I don't do that in public." Steve and Bruce glanced at you with wide eyes. "Also," you begin mindlessly, "you should at least introduce yourself first before asking that type of thing."

The room had now fallen completely silent, even Tony's music had stopped. Loki glanced at his brother, brow raised in amusement as a grin spread across his pale features. "I like this one, brother."

That finally got you to look up from the magazine. "Loki," you greeted with mild disinterest. The rest of the team looked between the two of you with scrupled expressions, wondering if they had heard the entire exchange correctly. Seeing as they did, an immediate team meeting was called.

After several minutes of bickering that you had been pointedly left out of, Tony pointed to you and re-crossed his arms. "Since Frosty the Demonic Snowman," he announced, earning a harsh glare from the God of Mischief, "wants to kill everyone in this room but you," Tony continued, wagging his finger in your face, "you get to be his babysitter."

You rolled your eyes and stood from the sofa. "If I can deal with you," you said, pointing at Tony, "I think I can take care of Loki."


He appeared in the elevator, slipping in before the doors could close. You looked up at him with a raised brow, mostly annoyed that he had taken to following you around. "You might should have waited for the next one, it's kinda cramped in here with your ego," you deadpanned.

Ever since he had arrived there was an unspoken tension between the two of you. Oft times it made others in the same vicinity feel slightly uncomfortable. That had been the case only a few minutes earlier when Sam and Tony made a few crude comments about at the God of Mischief's expense.

Loki was not ignorant of whatever unspoken thing there was between you and him. After your playful winks about a particular remark in regards to the shape of his helmet, he couldn't take it any longer. "Would you kneel for me?" He asked, trapping you between his hard body and the reflective walls of the elevator.

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