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Hi guys this interview is with Alex_is_Green hope you enjoy it, mwah xx from lolly ______________________________________________________________________________

So, how are you?

I'm all right, same as usual.

How did you hear about wattpad?

To be honest, I don't remember. I think I found it when looking for reading/writing sites and it popped up in my results.

What made you interested in wattpad when you first saw it?

Probably the fact that there are works written by people my age, some younger, and some older, and that I can write my own and get people's opinions.

Have you always been interested in writing stories?

Yes. I've apparently been writing since I could hold a pencil/crayon/pen . . . Any sort of writing utensil, really. I don't think I really realized how much I love writing them until fifth or sixth grade, though.

So who encourages you to write?

Me and my fans. I haven't let anyone in my family read anything I've written since elementary school, and if it wasn't for the fact it's really all I do, they'd probably have no idea that I do it.

So how do you find time to write?

Well, I'm a teenage girl with no life whatsoever, and am really bad with homework, so what else do I have to do other than write?

So what is your favourite book, here, on wattpad?

Uhm . . . I have no idea. I love so many of them, it's impossible to say which is my favorite.

Who is your favourite wattpad author(s)?

JanetMarieGrivois, basically anyone in my library really.

So what would you say is your favourite story genre?

To read or to write? My favorites to read are; humor, romance, horror, thriller, and paranormal. My favorites to write are; science fiction, action, and adventure.

Are you a very versatile reader then?

Yeah, I guess you could say that.

How would you deal with negativity towards your work?

I'd like to say that I'd be calm, cool, and collected, not take it too personally, but in reality, I have no idea. I still have yet to have a rude or negative comment directed at something I've written.

Well what is the hardest thing you have came across since you began writing?

Trying to avoid cliches.

Is your writing personal to you?

Some. Not any of my Sci-Fi stuff, as none of that has ever happened to me. But my story Family Portraits Lie is personal to me, along with I Am Waiting, When I Grow Up, and most of the stuff in my Creative Writing Folder.

Why is your writing personal to you?

Well, my family has gone through what Kaci's family is going through in Family Portraits Lie, the only difference is that I'm closer to my mom than my dad. And the others are pretty self-explanatory if they're read. Nearly all the others are directly related to things that have happened in my life.

So what advice would you give other writers?

Don't give up writing. Yes, it can be hard, yes you'll probably get some not so nice comments, yeah writer's block is effing irritating, but there's always the light at the end of the tunnel. There will be people that like your story/poem or whatever it is you write. You will end up with some fantastic idea that could be the next wattpad hit. Or maybe even a book in an actual bookstore! Just don't give up, no matter what obstacles are thrown in your way.


Moving on from literature, what other things do you do?

Nothing. I write. I read. I drink cherry Pepsi. Sometimes I text, usually I don't. I stay up late writing. I laugh loudly in the middle of the night. Talk to inanimate objects. But mostly, I write. Like Eminem said 'How can I moonlight on the side? I have no life outside of that.' Of course, he's talking about rapping, but I'm talking about writing. xD

If you could work with any published author who would it be?

Well, if she was still alive, V.C. Andrews. Or her ghost writer dude. xD Or maybe Stephen King. I love Stephen King, he's my all-time favorite author.

If you could take any of your characters out for the day who would you take? Where would you take them? And why would you take them there?

Hmm . . . It'd have to be either Mary, Raelyn, or Karisma. Rae's closest to my age so let's go with her. xD I'd take her to . . . Toys 'R' Us! Why? 'Cause we're both still children at heart, and I want a Tickle Me Elmo again. xD Maybe she'd bring Neil. xD

What is the funniest thing that has happened to you?

Hmm . . . Let's go with today. So, today was Friday the thirteenth *enter dramatic gasp* and so far, I had been doing all right. Well, let's just say I'm glad I didn't wear my Eminem shirt like I wanted to. One of my friends reached over to high-five another friend, and as she pulled her arm back, she elbowed my orange juice, spilling it all over me. At first it seemed like I was gonna yell at her, then everyone started laughing. (My face turned really red too!) God, went through the rest of the school day with orange juice on my tee-shirt, my hoody, and my jeans. (And before that happened, my fly had been down probably for most of the day! --_--'')

Ok, last question, can you tell your fans a few fun facts about yourself?

Hmm . . . Where to begin?

(1) I talk to things that can't talk back. (Chairs, bookshelves, books, Pepsi, etc.)

(2) I have a HUGE sweet tooth.

(3) I only drink cherry Pepsi. Unless I'm at school. Then I drink apple juice or orange juice. Sometimes water. Usually the orange juice.

(4) Eminem is my favorite rapper ever, even though ALL my friends at school hate him.

Anything else you would like to say to your fans or anyone?

Just my usual sign-off:

Much <3 and many :) to you all!!!!!!!!!!! xD

Thanks for the interview :) xx

Thanks for the interview! xD

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