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Hi guys this interview is with RandomSkittles hope you enjoy it, mwah xx from lolly __________________________________________________________________________

 So, how are you?

I'm goood thanks

 So how did you hear about wattpad?

My friend told me at school and I thought maybe ill post a story!

 What made you interested in wattpad when you first saw it?

My friend (sane one as up there^^) showed me a funny story!

 Have you always been interested in writing stories?

I dunno really. Apparently I was creative but I don't remember!

 So who encourages you to write?

My friends :) no seriously they're always bugging me to keep on what I love :)

 So how do you find time to write?

Whenever I have a free moment I try to jot stuff down and create it at about 10pm :P

 So what is your favourite book, here, on wattpad?

I dunno I have so many! I LOVE Work Experience in the psych ward by dipsyz!!! The bang bang effect by candybanapple!!! And loads more!!

 Who is your favourite wattpad author(s)?

Umm dipsyz, candybanapple, you of course (:D) and more!!

 So what would you say is your favourite story genre?

Ohh romance of course. Can't beat a good love story!!

 Are you a very versatile reader then?

I guess so, I'll read anything and if I like it I like it!!

 How would you deal with negativity towards your work?

Um I tell them to shove their negativity up their...I'm joking, I take criticism and make my stories better :)

 Well what is the hardest thing you have came across since you began writing?

Um probably getting wristers block and then people asking you to upload :S or when people pressurise you to upload :S

 Is your writing personal to you?

 Yes my writing is very personal to me :)

 Why is your writing personal to you?

I base my characters on people I know and a lot of the story lines are things that have happened or me and my friends have discussed :D

 So what advice would you give other writers?

My advice is even if your not getting lots of reads comments or votes, stick with it!! Shakespeare didn't get famous over night did he! Did he? I dunno really! But just keep smiling sweetie :)


Moving on from literature, what other things do you do?

I LOVE to shop! I wish I was shopping right now!! I dance, run, gossip, I can't resist helping people!

 If you could work with any published author who would it be?

Meg Cabot probably :)

 If you could take any of your characters out for the day who would you take? Where would you take them? And why would you take them there?

Um well I'd take Reid, Donny, George, Jordan, Tiffany, Reggie, Grace and Danny (from NightMares a previous book on a previous account that I deleted) out shopping and to the park. They'd be a blast and they are based on my best friends :) especially Donny!!                                 

What is the funniest thing that has happened to you?

Haha loads!! But one not so funny time ... -_-

We had to make a film at school and I was in a group with 1 other girl and 4 boys, the boys were constantly taking pictures of us instead of locations and one time I tried to open the door and I couldnt get it open and they all thought I was weak when they opened it easily and got a mug shot of me -_-

Ok, last question, can you tell your fans a few fun facts about yourself?

1.) I have two goldfish called Rocky and Bruno!!

2.) I'm super clumsy and super gullible!

3.) I talk too much and giggle too much in class and all the time, I'm always smiling too!

4.) Im being haunted!!

5.) when I was little (Just after that film where the kid goes "i see dead people" came out)we were driving past the graveyard and I went "I see dead people" and my dad freaked! Young innocent kid didn't know any better, I really did though!!!

Byeee :) xx

Thanks for the interview bye xx

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