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So Bea how are you?

Fine, thanks

Good so how did you hear about wattpad?

My sister recommended it to me, but only because she thought it was a place to get published books, but as soon as I got to watty I fell in love

Is that what made you interested in wattpad?

I actually came to watty 3 maybe 4 years ago but for the first couple of years I only read on and off. Sometimes I spent months without logging in, but once I started writing and talking to people I realised the potential of this site. Everyone is so open and friendly, how can you not be interested in staying?

I agree but have you always been interested in writing stories?

Not really, only when I read. I get quite bored of this site quite easily, but now I’m on here almost every day.

So who encourages you to write?

All my fans do and I love them for it, but I guess the most important are my friends, not many know that I write, but my cousins and my best friends do and when the pressure gets too much they never let me forget why I started writing in the first place:  because I love it!

So how do you find time to write?

School is very overwhelming and I dance on a competitive level, but I always try to dedicate some of my spare time to write because with time you find out that doing only what you have to do and never what you want to do will leave you with nothing

So what is your favourite book, here, on wattpad?

‘Vacation sucks!.... wait a hot life guard’ by bbg18813 for sure, it’s just hilarious

Who is your favourite wattpad author(s)?

bbg18813 as I said is hilarious, but in real life I would have to say JK Rowling (ha take that Luke) she is awesome and I have read each Harry Potter book atleast seven times

So what would you say is your favourite story genre?

Romance, but romance is way better with a bit of humour in it

Are you a very versatile reader then?

No, I like what I like and I’m not really into experimenting. I don’t like teen pregnancies or student/teacher romance and I don’t see myself reading either of those topics no matter how well written the book is.

How would you deal with negativity towards your work?

I don’t, I’m very big in selective hearing. It’s a gift and I know many people will think I’m a b***h for saying that.

Well what is the hardest thing you have came across since you began writing?

Romantic scenes!!! When you are living them it’s basically instinct but when you are writing about them it’s another story!

Is your writing personal to you?

Very, I think that is why I don’t take it lightly criticism to it. I don’t make anyone read what I write, so why do some people have to comment about the bad things in your story? My mom told me that when you don’t have anything nice to say you should keep your mouth shut

So what advice would you give other writers?

It doesn’t matter what other people think because writing a good story is all about passion and if you’re writing what other people would want to read then you are probably not putting enough of you into it to make it interesting.


Moving on from literature, what other things do you do?

I dance ballet and the rest of the time I’m with my best friend (a prick that I couldn’t live without)

If you could work with any published author who would it be?

As corny as it sounds: Shakespeare, any guy who can make colloquial language sounds so sexy was probably awesome!

If you could take any of your characters out for the day who would you take and where would you take them?

I would take Charlie and go to the park with him, because in my mind he is the cutest and most perfect puppy ever. Then we would get in my car (in my imagination I know how to drive) and we would run away so I wouldn’t have to give him back!!! Ever!!!

What is the funniest thing that has happened to you?

My friend was once dared to eat a bowl of fish food and she did then her breath smelt like a dirty aquarium.

Ok, last question, can you tell your fans a few fun facts about yourself?

Ok top 10 me facts:

1)      I’m dead afraid of acts

2)      My best friend is names Justin

3)      I’m allergic to ants

4)      I LOOVVEEE to name inanimate objects! My laptop is called Nathan, my old ipod was called Baby, my new ipod was Called Smile (I lost smile) and my next one will be called luck.

5)      I have two fish: Cissy and Golden

6)      I can put my foot behind my head

7)      I love stuffed animals

8)      I CANNOT sing for my life

9)      My favourite stuffed animal is called Ivan

10)   Right now I’m high on flu medicine

Thanks bye

Bye Bea and thank you

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