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Hi guys this interview is with InsanelyEllie01 I hope you enjoy it, mwah xx from lolly ______________________________________________________________________________

So Ellie how are you?

I’m fine thanks, you?

Same, so how did you hear about wattpad?

From you and Annabel (AnnabelLloyd97) and various others

What made you interested in wattpad when you first saw it?

The variety of genres and stories, I guess it sparked my interest

Have you always been interested in writing stories?

Yeah, lol since I was like 5 or something, but more so as I got older. My early ones were all about zoos with magic giraffes and stuff

So who encourages you to write?

Umm... no one really I just like doing it. Actually my stories are based on songs in my spottify play lists, so I guess music encourages me more than anything else

So how do you find time to write?

I fit it in whenever I can, in between school, other activities, friends, family, but my writing time always manages to take over revision time and homework time. Not really something I should be admitting but oh well.

So what is your favourite book, here, on wattpad?

Umm. I have quite a few favourites at the moment but one of my favourite-favourites at the moment is probably ‘believe me I’m lying’ by XxSkaterGirlxX

Who is your favourite wattpad author(s)?

XxSkaterGirlxX, you, AnnabelLloyd97 and after that I’m not really sure but I have quite a few in my library section bit

Aww thanks, So what would you say is your favourite story genre?

Romance, ‘cause I’m one cool hopeless-romantic kid (y) I can’t read a story without getting bored even if it’s got a SMIDGE of romance in it. Lol :)

Are you a very versatile reader then?

Umm... kind of I guess, as long as it has a smidge of romance :)

How would you deal with negativity towards your work?

Depends if they are constructive or  just plain negative so I’d try to take into account the constructive and then brush off the negative even though it does kinda suck when somebody says your story sucks lmao and then I’d go cry in a corner. Jokes :)

Well what is the hardest thing you have came across since you began writing?

Writers block SO FRUSTRATING and battling the wrath of my mum ;)

Is your writing personal to you?

Yes, because I sometimes find it hard to express myself and I find that I can through each one of individual characters, each one of them have parts of me in them

So what advice would you give other writers?

Keep doing what you’re doing because you never know who you might inspire and try not to get writers block because it is a pain in the ass


Moving on from literature, what other things do you do?

I’m a dancer so I do quite a lot of that, drawing, randomly jumping around to music, belting out major tunage at the top of my lungs lol and sleeping! I like the freaky dreams I have :)

If you could work with any published author who would it be?

Ooh. Wait a second I can’t remember his name so I am off to find his book :) Derek Landy I couldn’t remember his last name lol but I really like him because he includes all genres in his book and he’s really funny and random :)

If you could take any of your characters out for the day who would you take? Where would you take them? And why would you take them there?

I’ve only got one story up here at the moment lol but probably Harry because he’s random, fun and daring. I’d take him to a funfair at night when all the rides are lit up and stuff because it looks and feels so damn cool! :)

What is the funniest thing that has happened to you?

Hmmm... too many times to name but the latest one wasn’t that long ago: I was walking over a bridge over the train track and this guy was looking at me and I felt a bit weirded out, so I turned around and walked smack into a lamp post he started laughing at me and so did all the other drivers embarrassing. ;) so I just laid there for a while drowning in my own humiliation  :s

Ok, last question, can you tell your fans a few fun facts about yourself?

Ok. Umm. I can’t cook (lolli you know that from food tech). I’m weird, I should be banned from going out in public because I end up embarrassing myself, I fall over a lot. I swear like a sailor when I’m angry at someone, I like wrestling with my older brother, when I was 6 I accidently tipped over my sisters push chair in the middle of town and blamed it on the guy who came to help... I’m pretty ashamed of that last one really.

Ok well thanks for the interview and bye XD

Bye, thanks for interviewing

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