Unexpected Allies

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Chapter Song: The Middle by Jimmy Eat World

A/N: It took a while to find the right song for this chapter. This one doesn't just fit this chapter, but the whole story.



Bella was walking down the hall, purposely ignoring Leah and the five other junior cheerleaders surrounding her when she heard Leah saying, "It's so sad how she doesn't even have a clue how much Edward wants me."

As if someone else had control over her body, Bella whipped around and walked right up to the leggy bitch. "You're pathetic."

"Excuse me?" Leah blinked at her, mirroring her minions.

"Did I stutter?" The fact that she took a jab at herself was shocking, but not as much as the fact that she was standing up for herself. Their astonished faces was priceless.

Leah finally recovered enough to throw back, "No, but you're talking out your head."

Bella laughed, a slightly manic sound. "I am? Please, miss I think everyone wants me."

Leah flipped her hair, the picture of cool when her eyes couldn't hide the apprehension. "Well, I can't help that they do." She looked smugly down at Bella. "Especially Edward."

Bella winced, hating that Leah had successfully hit her where it hurt. He was only male, and Leah was very attractive. No, Edward wasn't just some guy who drooled over every hot girl. He wasn't, he wasn't, he wasn't—

Suddenly a locker slammed beside them while a new voice said, "Oh, shut the fuck up, Leah. You're lying and we all know it, even the mindless robots around you."

Everyone spread to show the captain of the cheer squad, Kate Dwyer, the school consoler's, Renee, daughter. She was a senior as well and mostly got along with everyone, Leah and her friends being the exception obviously. Bella remembered meeting her after her and Charlie talked to her mother before she started school. She mostly remembered thinking Charlie had a thing for the curly brunette, divorced middle-aged woman.

She forced herself back to the present, looking at Kate then all the speechless faces of her peers. Kate winked at Bella, causing her to smile even though she was still upset.

Kate walked past the girls in their cheer suits, she was dressed in jeans and a shirt and still was prettier than them. Right before she reached Bella, she turned back around, pointing at Leah. "You think you're big shit because you're varsity, but remember this, if it wasn't for certain...influences, you wouldn't even be on the team."

Leah stew, a slight tremble taking over her form. "Take that back."

"Why? Are you going to run and tell mommy? Go ahead. I don't give a shit."

Leah's jaw clenched, successfully looking like a fool in front of everyone. If she did tell on Kate, she'd look like a baby and she apparently had no real arsenal because she said nothing back.

A crowd had gathered around them, some starting to chant, "Fight, fight, fight." quietly at first, then growing louder and louder.

"You're both losers," Leah finally spat back before pushing past the crowd.

"Ah, shit, you got me," Kate called back, fake crying before rolling her eyes and latching her arm with Bella's.

Everyone laughed at Leah's back, hollering, "Va-jay-jay." and other words that described the female baby making body part.

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