Trick or Terror

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A/N: I had to make a change in chapter 8. Bella's birthday isn't in the middle of their senior year but the July before.

I also added something about her Aunt Jane's history on chapter 17. It explains why she let Bella go.

Prom outfits should be posted on my profile too.

Chapter Song: Demons by Imagine Dragons

Their pre-prom meal was at Olive Garden with Alice, Jasper, Rose and Emmett. Even though they had made reservations, they still had to wait a really long time since everyone else at school seemed to have the same idea. Bella loved this chain restaurant, but she wished they'd gone somewhere else.

She'd spent most of the day at Alice's getting ready for prom. Rose had done her make-up while Alice curled her hair. They left it down because they all agreed it suited her best. Alice fixed Rose's hair in a intricate up-do as Rose put on her own make-up while they listened to Rihanna, Nirvana, and other elicits song choices. All three of the girls had different taste in music but all appreciated each choices. Alice styled her own hair with such ease. Bella had never seen someone fix their own hair so well. Bella surely couldn't pull it off. Rose did Alice's make-up too, making them all look natural and beautiful.

Edward's necklace was the only piece of jewelry she paired with her dress. It was the only piece of jewelry she ever wore. The only times she ever took it off was when she was either sleeping or showering, and it was still hard to part with the necklace that had become a second skin to her.

Alice wore the most flattering red lace mermaid dress that showcased her delicate back while Rose looked like a bride fit for a magazine cover in her white greek inspired dress.

They'd snacked a bit on mostly junk food while they got ready, but Bella was still hungry. Her stomach decided then to voice this to everyone.

Edward looked down at her with a small smile, while Emmett full out laughed. Edward throw him a look, but Bella touched his arm to show him it was okay. She smiled at Emmett with a little shrug.

"I'm dying of hunger too," Rose said dramatically.

Alice rolled her eyes but said nothing while Jasper and Edward shook their heads.

Jasper and Alice sat on the bench closely together with another couple Bella recognized from school but couldn't name. Emmett and Rose stood next to Edward and Bella. Jasper's all black suit surprising complimented Alice's dress. Rose and Emmett looked like they were preparing to walk down the aisle instead of going to a their last prom. Emmett's light gray suit was stark against his dark features, but it worked very well for him. A lot of people openly stared at them. All three of couples actually, now that Bella noticed, becoming exceedingly nervous.

Edward kissing her cheek had her forgetting all her anxiety. She was under Edward's arm at the moment, hand over his skinny tie while his curled around her waist. Though he was handsome all the time, he was especially so tonight in his sleek black suit with a crisp white shirt.

When they'd first seen each other, all they could do was stare. Now they couldn't keep their hands off one another.

Edward walked her away from the crowd to kiss her. "You're so beautiful," he murmured against her neck once they were far enough away.

She smiled as she scratched his neck and head lightly.

He closed his eyes as he leaned his cheek against hers.

"HEY!" Emmett hollered. "We're up."

They walked hand in hand to meet their group.

Once they were seated, Rose ordered salad and breadsticks right away, Edward asked for two orders of the triple sampler. Bella and Rose dug into the salad like carnivorous lions while Alice waited for her main meal that she ordered while everyone else worried about quick and easy food first. She never had much of an appetite. It worried Bella sometimes, but not enough for her to brooch the subject.

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