A Needed Friend

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A/N: I'm so close to 300 reviews I can almost taste it. I'd like to say that comments don't matter, but they're better than chocolate to me. PMs, follows, and favorites are also just divine.

I know it's late in the game, but I changed something in chapter 4. When Edward's thinking about going with Jessica to homecoming, I changed three months ago to two weeks ago. It just works for the timeline better. I'm also working out birthdays and such. Alice's wasn't mentioned before, but it's around Christmas...It will be relevant later.



Chapter Song: The Speed of Sound by Coldplay

Bella was playing solitaire on the coffee table while Charlie watched football recaps—he was jonesing for the season to start again—when her cell phone started ringing. Edward still had at least a hour of workouts left, so it couldn't be him.

She grabbed the phone, seeing it was Alice. "Hey!"

"Bella," came Alice's voice that didn't sound quite like itself.

"Alice? What's wrong?"

"I'm in front of your house," she said between shaky breaths. She was crying.

Charlie sat up, ready and alert. Bella shook her head at him as she stood up and walked into the kitchen.

"I'm coming meet you."


She stuck her head into the living room. "Alice want's to talk. I'll be back."

Charlie frowned, not liking her being outside anymore, but nodded. "I'll be looking out on you, just so you know."

She rolled her eyes when she turned away, saying, "Alright."

She rushed outside, leaning in Alice's window and seeing four unopened Boone's Farm bottles on the passengers seat. "Have a party to go to?" Bella joked, trying to lighten her friend's obviously gloomy mood.

Alice smiled, but it looked forced, almost as if it hurt to try. She shook her head as she let her mouth droop. "Just for me—unless you want some."

Bella smirked. "I'm good, thanks."

"Suit yourself," Alice said, tracing a finger over the bottles.

Bella looked at her finger then her face. "Where are you heading?"

Alice shrugged, lifeless eyes staring out the windowpane. "Wherever. Nowhere."

Bella touched her shoulder. "What happened?"

Alice looked at her as tears broke. "Me and Jasper had a fight. A huge one."

"About what?"

The fact that Alice and Jasper disagreed on things let alone fought was unthinkable to Bella. She just couldn't fathom it. Though, she had to admit, no one was perfect.

Alice sighed loudly, regaining her composure bit by bit. "Can we go somewhere?"

Bella nodded, rubbing Alice's shoulder. "Sure, I just have to talk to Charlie first."

Alice nodded.

Bella left then came back. "Don't leave."

"I won't."

She found Charlie in the kitchen, peeking through the kitchen blinds like he said he'd be.

He jumped away when she cleared her throat. "Everything okay?"

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