Sweet Sorrow of Parting

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Chapter Song: Round and Round by Imagine Dragons

Their senior year was coming to a close and everyone was both excited and sad. Bella, Kate, and Edward had been accepted into UCLA while Ben and Angela were going to Notre Dame. Jake and Maggie were both exploring life without going to college for a year, actually taking a road trip around the states right after graduation. Bella admired their zeal for life and adventure but could never see herself not going to college first. Each to their own though.

They were all eating at Sonic the day after Senior Prom where Edward and Bella had been crowned queen and king, when Kate came up to them with a girl Bella recognized from school but couldn't name. She also remembered Kate's friend being from Jacob's band.

"Hey, everyone," Kate said with a slightly nervous smile.

They all said hello back, curiously looking at the two new comers.

Kate took the girl's hand, twining their fingers together. Eyes bulged out, while Bella smiled softly.

"This is Heidi." She was staring at Maggie who looked like she was about to pass out. "My girlfriend."

Bella bounced a little, clapping in her head as she extended a hand to Heidi. For being in a punk rock band, she dressed rather normal in a Nirvana t-shirt and ripped baggy jeans with her pretty straight blonde hair down at her shoulders. It was unfair of Bella to think that way, but she didn't mean it in a judgmental way. "Nice to meet you."

She got up to hug Kate, pulling a shocked stiff Edward up with her to do the same. Alice followed suit shortly after, Ben and Angela mirroring her. Jake gave them a small smile and wink but stayed sitting next to Maggie, rubbing her shoulders.

Everyone grew silent as they all watched Maggie.

She looked at Kate with hurt eyes. "How long have you been gay?"

Kate winced, looking down. "I'm not sure if I'm all the way gay...I'm leaning more toward bi."

Kate looked at Heidi almost for reassurance it seemed. Heidi smiled at her, squeezing her hand.

Maggie shook her head. "How long have you been bi then?"

Kate shrugged. "I don't know, it kind of snuck up on me."

Maggie frowned. "And you never thought to tell me about it? Do you know how shitty that makes me feel? What, did you think I wouldn't accept it or something?"

Kate blinked at her. "Honestly, no. I was just trying to figure stuff out."

"But we're best friends! We're suppose to tell each other everything."

"I am telling you!"

"Yeah, with everyone else—" She stopped suddenly, realizing that she was making a scene.

"Maggie," Kate's voice was broken and pleading. "Please, don't be mad. I haven't even told my parents yet."

Maggie stood, walking right in front of Kate. "I love you, but I need a minute."

Kate's eyes shimmered, but she nodded. "Will you call me?"

Maggie nodded before turning away.

Maggie and Jacob walked to her car and drove away.

Bella grabbed Kate's free hand. "She'll come around."

Kate nodded, though she didn't seem to even notice what she was doing.

"Don't you think you were a little harsh back there?" Jacob asked Maggie as they passed the green light.

Maggie frowned, clicking her nails together before sighing. "No. I wasn't harsh. I was a total, raving bitch."

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