So Much More

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Chapter Song: Lovesong cover by Adele

Bella walked down the hall with her hand clasped securely in Edward's.

This was their senior year with no foreseeable drama. She almost wanted to check behind herself to make sure Jess wasn't following her. She knew the thought was paranoid and silly, so she let it go easily.

They called out to Angela and Ben in unison when they saw them at their new lockers, "Hey guys."

Bella, Ben and even Edward had convinced Angie to transfer to their school. Vicky had a close friend who lived in district with no children going there so they used her address. Vicky had taken Bella aside to thank her for reaching out to her daughter with tears in her eyes. Bella had hugged her, saying, "It's my pleasure." She also didn't need speech anymore, but she still visited the Weber's home often. She also still went to consoling twice a month, finding that talking to Sam was helping her figure things out that she hadn't realized were bothering her. He helped her vastly with how to channel and deal with things that were overwhelming, which were nightmares as of late.

Edward had told Bella that Angie had pulled him aside to apologize to him one day. As shocked as she was, it wasn't all that surprising. Angela had still been rather queazy around Edward from guilt. Still, Bella was happy to see that everything seemed to be getting back to normal. She even dared to say she was finding her way to being at peace.

Alice and Jasper stayed together, him still going to Columbia and she apologizing for being so difficult and unsupportive. They were working things out still though because being miles apart could be a toll on any relationship. Alice said the biggest adjustment was getting use to not seeing him every day. Bella hoped things worked out for them, but if it didn't, it was meant to be. Time would only tell for the two. Bella worried about having the same fate as Alice, but also didn't want to hold Edward back from what he wanted.

Things were getting better all around.

Esme and her had even mended their relationship more with each week. It wasn't the same, but...better somehow. As if they'd seen the gooey, sticky center in each other and still found that they cared for one another deeply. Esme had even asked if she could help her find her homecoming dress already. Bella was thrilled and said yes immediately.

Now they were in school, ready to embark in a new chapter in their lives.

She had three classes with Angie, two with Ben, four with Alice, and only one with Edward again. Not the best luck, but she wasn't complaining. They'd still see each other. At this point, a large body of ocean couldn't keep the two love birds apart.

Bella tutored with Angela after school now, so she wasn't able to watch Edward practice anymore, which was rather sad. But, she had to admit, it was rewarding to help people learn. It was even developing as a dream of hers. She especially wanted to help troubled kids like herself.

When she told Edward this, he'd lit up like the Fourth of July. "I think that's just about the best thing for you. You'll be fantastic."

He still wasn't one hundred percent sure what he wanted to do, but he had some time. A good number of colleges were dying to have him for either football or track, some even wanted him for both. Plus, he was smart as a whip, so he'd fit in anywhere. He was set in that aspect, all he had to do was choose.

"I'm waiting to see where you go," he told her when she asked him what the hold up was.

She frowned. "You shouldn't. You should go where you want to."

"I'll be where I want to be. I'll be with you." He smiled as if it wasn't a big deal, when it very much was so.


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