Young Love

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Chapter Song: Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran

Bella waited with Charlie in the living room for Edward to pick her up.

Her uncle stayed quiet as he frowned at the television.

She sent him a text to get his attention. Are you okay?

His eyes snapped to hers. "Yea. Sure. Why wouldn't I be?"

She switched to signing since he'd somewhat gotten the hang of interpreting it, she'd only wrote to him the other day because she was upset and wanted to get out her words faster. Edward was starting to learn but still had trouble with it.

You seem upset.

He softened his expression. Well, as much as he could. "I'm just thinking about how much of your life I've missed out on. I regret not raising you."

Bella stood and sat next to him.

Don't regret it. We're together now. That's all that matters.

He patted her knee. "You're growing up too fast."

She smiled. I'm still me. I'll always be your niece. And I'll always love you.

"I love you too, sweetheart. And I'll always be here for you." They hugged. Which was something they didn't normally do, but it still felt right. Like she belonged there. She'd imagine her father and mother smiling down at them when they were together this way.

Knocking interrupted the moment. "Let me." Charlie said.

She didn't think that was a good idea at all, but nodded anyway as she sat back down on the couch.

She listened as she heard low murmuring, she couldn't make out what was being said but she was sure some amount of threatening was happening. She smiled, liking that Charlie was so protective.

They came in a couple of minutes later and Bella stood to see Edward looking nervous but happy. She smiled at him as she walked to him and hugged him.

Charlie sat back down on his rocker as he flipped channels.

"Are you ready?" Edward asked her softly.

She nodded, then waved to Charlie.

He waved back and said to Edward, "Remember what I told you."

Edward nodded, very serious. "Yes, sir."

"Have fun." Charlie said as they made their way to the hallway.

Bella smiled at him before leading Edward out the house.

She turned to Edward before he opened the passenger side door and kissed him. It surprised him but he was quick to return the pressure and wrap his arms around her.

She pulled away to mouth, What happened? as she signed slowly as a way for him to learn. He'd asked her to do that all the time now while he studied on his free time so he'd pick it up faster. She obliged, ecstatic that he was so studious about finding a way to understand her.

Edward didn't look like he wanted to tell her as he opened the door for her to climb in. She waited until he was in the car, about to start it, to grab his hand mid key turn. She just looked at him with a waiting expression.

He sighed before scratching his neck. "He told me what he usually does."

Bella tilted her head, wanting him to elaborate.

He smirked a little. "You're a tenacious little thing." He chuckled with soft eyes. "You make loving you too easy."

She crossed her arms, trying for huffing about him so clearly evading the question and failing as a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.

He rubbed the side of her mouth with a slightly dazed looked before he shook his head. "He told me not to try any funny business and to keep my hands to myself."

Bella's mouth popped open. She knew Charlie was crass but that was even too much for him.

Edward laughed at her expression. "It's cool. I respect the man. Plus, him being so protective of you helps me sleep at night. The fact that he has guns in his house help too."

Bella just looked at him in utter disbelief. How did he know Charlie had guns?

"He's a cop." He answered her unspoken question. "And he's shown me."


"When you were taking a bath or changing."

This surprised her more than it should've.

"He didn't show me them to scare me, just to show off, I think. Charlie's slowly coming around to me." This delighted Edward very much, which had her smiling more.

I'm glad. She trailed her hand up his arm to his neck then hair as she rubbed his ear with her thumb.

He shuddered as his voice lowered an octave. "Me too."

He kissed her before starting the car and pulling away.

They watched a scary movie, which Bella suspected was planned by the guys so the girls would cling to them.

Alice was hiding in Jasper's collar while Rose was nearly in Emmett's lap as Bella held her hands over her eyes, peeking through her fingers when she felt brave enough and regretting it. She snapped her eyes close as the bone chilling music started.

Edward chuckled lowly as he whispered, "It's not real, baby."

She didn't respond as she lowered her hands to make him see she could be brave, but her eyes were still closed. When the music stopped she opened her eyes right when a figure jumped out, causing everyone to scream except her. Though she really wanted to.

She couldn't watch slasher films but this was a ghost horror so it wasn't as bad.

"Are you okay?" He asked in concern.

She looked at him and nodded.

"We can leave if you want." He said as he tucked hair behind her ear.

She shook her head, licking her lips as her skin pimped where he'd touched her.

He looked into her eyes, she vaguely heard people screaming again but couldn't pull her eyes away from his to see why.

He leaned in to whisper. "You're so sexy and brave."

She almost melted off her chair. He'd been calling her sexy often lately and she liked it. A LOT.

They kissed. Their lips finding one another with ease. Both unsure of who initiated it and not caring. They both just savored each other. They slid down a little. Edward's ribs were smashed against the armrest but he ignored it as he felt Bella's hand snaking under this shirt and finding his belly button. He nearly pulled her out the damn theater to bring her somewhere more private but forced his ass to stayed glued to the chair.

Edward pulled away, leaning his forehead against hers. Before he could think about anything to say, she was kissing his neck. He gripped the chair roughly as he almost climbed over the stupid armrest to get to her. You're in a movie theater. Get a fucking hold of yourself—Bunnies. Think about bunnies. Think about their long ears and fluffy tails. Nothing sexy about that. Bell had paused right under his chin before she nipped at it. The image of Bella in a sexy bunny suit came to Edward's mind and wouldn't go away, fully ruining his talk down.

He had to pull all the away from her.

Seeing her hurt, embarrassed expression he leaned over to whisper. "Unless you want these people to have a real show, I have to stop."

He saw her eyes widen then her smirk. Little minx, she kept surprising him everyday and it was freaking fantastic.

A/N: Shorter chapter, but fun. I had a blast writing it.

Reviews are better than Edward climbing over an armrest to get to me...sorta. =)

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