Dealing with Bitches and Assholes

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A/N: I'm slowly working the story out in my head and am loving it! Hopefully it will be satisfactory.

Bullying sucks and should be fought against.

Not all class periods are acknowledged. They don't have block schedule.

Reviews make fireworks go off in my head. ;)

Have a good day,


Disclaimer: All recognizable things are property of their respective owners. Plot is mine.

Song Chapter: Perfect by Pink

Bella liked how it felt when her mom brushed her hair. She always thought her mom was so beautiful and hoped one day she'd grow up to be like her. And she absolutely loved how she'd fix her hair up in cute styles.

"My pretty girl." Elizabeth crooned to her daughter as she pulled her hair up in a bun.

Then her hands froze, Bella turned around and saw something that wasn't her mother. Her mother's eyes and face were still there, but they weren't the same. Everything was too gray and stiff. She struggled to get away but her hair was stuck in her mother's cold, rigid fingers.

She woke with a start, breathing heavily as she clutched her chest. It was a dream. Just a dream.

Creaking grabbed her attention. She looked at the doorway and screamed silently. A dark figure stood in the hallway, holding something shiny. She scrambled off the bed, hitting the floor and commanding her voice to work but it wouldn't listen. The man came forward, strangely making no sound at all too.

She watched him over the edge of the bed as he came closer and closer. Right when he reached her, towering over her with all his features casted in shadows she awoke on the floor. She looked around frantically as she coward in the corner. Am I awake? Please, God, let me be awake.

Bella just breathed for a second before she turned on her beside lamp, forcing herself to look in the hall as her insides screamed at her to hide. Don't look, don't look!

Her nerves settled somewhat when she saw the hall was empty.

After a moment, she climbed back into bed. Closing her eyes, she tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't.

She looked at the alarm clock and saw that it was three in the morning. She groaned inwardly before grabbing an emergency flash light from the draw and making her way downstairs. She took her time, checking out every nook and cranny for danger and finding none. She still couldn't shake the foreboding feeling clinging to her every limb.

After making sure the house was safe, she laid on the couch her and Edward had shared only hours ago. She wrapped herself up, thinking about watching TV and deciding against it since Charlie's room was right above the living room. Seeing her iPod, she grabbed it after turning on the lamp. Popping the buds in her ears she turned the volume all the way up and snuggled further into the couch. She wished she could sink all the way in.

She thought about Edward to push the nightmares away. His green eyes came to memory first, then his messy copper hair. He was so handsome, he was almost too much to look at. She couldn't seem to stop herself from doing exactly that though. Him and his note had stunned her. Edward Cullen pursuing the strange, new girl. Who'd ever thought that would happen? Surely not Bella. And to ask her on a date then to kiss her with those amazingly soft lips of his to boot was just the icing on the cake of an astonishing day.

Edward was proving to be something she'd never imagined. He was so unbelievably sweet. He was never outright mean—At least, Bella had never seen him be cruel to anyone. His friends were. Bella made it a point to steer clear from all of them. Edward was rather aloof at times. That's why everything about yesterday was so staggering.

Wordlessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें