Being That Guy

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A/N: This is a shorter chapter and the title may be confusing. Edward is just THAT guy. The guy all of us girls dream about. I can tell you from experience that they are real and aren't unicorns or mermaids.

Also, my gratitude to everyone is indescribable. I love seeing everyone's opinions and to see that a chapter gets 100 views in an hour absolutely floors me. It gets my creative juices flowing...As dirty as that may sound

Big sloppy kisses and best wishes,


Chapter Song: Part of the List by Ne-Yo

Edward could get accustom to being hurt.

Bella and Esme fussed about him all weekend, both working together like a fine tuned machine.

His head was much better by Sunday with no headaches at all. He'd gone back to the hospital for his father and his colleague, Dr. Bree Tanner to check him out again. They'd both given him the thumbs up to go to school Monday, but he had to skip two days of practice.

Couch Clapp came to check on Edward Saturday. Telling Edward that Mike was kicked off the team and had been suspended for two weeks. Edward didn't know what to say to it, mostly because he didn't wont to believe that Mike would try to hurt him.

On his return to school, he had people checking up on him he'd never spoken two words to before. It was nice to realize how supportive his schoolmates were.

Bella seemed to be on the alert all the time. She'd watch him when she thought he wasn't paying attention. She looked like she was afraid that he'd be taken away from her any moment.

After school, he took her to the park to feed the ducks. She found a little duck that couldn't meet his mother in the water because he'd gotten tangled up in vines. Bella was slow and gentle about helping him out, making sure not to touch him. She smiled as she watched him swish his tail then jump in the water to swim after his family.

He took her hands then led her to the swings.

They sat next to each other, twisting more than swinging.

She looked up at the clear blue sky. Edward looked at her, feeling the words wanting to slip out of him. Words he knew were too soon to say. Her eyes caught his. He was close enough to see the hair-like sunburst tracing her pupils. He could see his future in her eyes.

She leaned her head against the chain, smiling with only her lips. He'd gotten used to her baring her teeth to him.

"Is something wrong?" He asked as he rubbed her calf.

She chewed her bottom lip as she got her phone out to type, I keep thinking about Friday night.

He nodded. "I can tell."

This surprised her. Really?

He nodded again. "You seem anxious."

She took a moment to type as she watched children playing on the jungle-jim. You could've been hurt badly...or worse.

She didn't look at him while he read her message. He got up and started pushing her. She dropped her phone in the sand as she gripped the chains in panic.

"Relax." He said, chuckling. "Just enjoy this moment. I'm here with you. Where I always want to be."

Her back against his hands softened inched by inch as she kicked her feet in motion with his pushes. They got her pretty high and she laughed as she leaned her head back to see him when she was at her highest.

Edward loved her like this. So free. So full of life. The girl she could've been if life hadn't been so cruel to her. He wished that he could build a time machine and warn her parents what would happen so they could run away and live happily together. Even if that meant she'd never be in his life. Though he was so very grateful to have her with him, to know that she was truly safe and happy would be all he needed to get by. But this was real life and he wasn't a genius so he'd never actually be able to do that. But he'd do everything in his power to make sure she felt as safe and happy as she could as long as he lived.

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