Always You

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Chapter Song: Be Your Everything by Boys Like Girls

The rest of the school day was relatively calm for the two of them, besides Bella getting nasty eyes from Jess, but she was becoming kind of accustomed to it.

Edward encountered problems after gym practice, right when he was getting dressed to go meet Bella for lunch. He was in the mist of pulling his jeans on and grabbing a shirt when Mike and Tyler stood on either side of him. He took them both in with uncaring eyes when he thought, Now what? as he fastened his pants.

Neither spoke,so Edward put his shirt on then his shoes; really not in the mood to deal with them. He was walking away when Mike called, "Hey!"

Edward stopped, looking over his shoulder.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Mike asked in aggravation as he walked forward.

"I don't have a problem." Edward said, feigning oblivion.

"Give me a fucking break. You're acting like a total dick."

That had Edward turning. "I'm acting like a dick?"

Mike nodded. "You sure as shit are. You're treating your true friends like crap over some girl."

Edward wanted to laugh at how ridiculous Mike was being. "She's not just some girl."

Mike shook his head in slow disappointment. "Me, Tyler and the girls agree that you need an intervention."

Edward laughed then. This whole situation was too stupid.

His amusement pissed Mike off something fierce. Mike got right in his face. Well, as close to Edward's face as he could get since Mike was at chin level with him. "Do you want your pretty face smashed in, Cullen?"

Edward looked down into Mike's beady eyes. "Try, Newton." Mike hurled his fist back and Edward stuck his chin out, waiting for the punch so he could have his turn. "Make it worth it, Mikey."

"Oh, I will." Mike promised as rage overflowed from the hated nickname.

Tyler swooped in and grabbed Mike's arm right before his fist connected with Edward's face.

"It's not worth it, man." Tyler said to Mike, looking annoyed at the whole ordeal.

Mike pushed him back, straightening out his balls and spitting at Edward's feet. "If you keep fucking with her, we're finished."

Edward stepped closer and said, "If you're asking me to choose. It's Bella and always will be." with a clear, solid voice before walking away.

He heard something being slammed against metal as he closed the locker room door and shrugged as he picked up his pace to catch Bella before she was done eating.

She was almost done when he slipped into the chair next to her with a kiss to the cheek.

She looked at him, worried.

"I had a bit of a roadblock. Nothing major." He answered.

She titled her head, his explanation not being near enough.

He touched her knee under the table and made her jump a little. He smiled before popping a chicken nugget in his mouth. He chewed longer than he usually did to stall and she knew it. She looked at him with unamused eyes as her hand wonder up his arm, until it hit his elbow then traveled back down to twist back into his hand still on her knee.

He swallowed strawberry milk to get the rest of the food down before elaborating. "It was Mike. He basically told me I needed to choose between them and you."

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