Take Care

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A/N: The fluff tis coming guys! A bunch of it too. :D

I have three other chapters written and I'm excited about where the story is going.

Also, give the song, Hawaii by Meiko a listen, you won't regret it. I promise.

Chapter Song: Arms by Christina Perri

Alice was out the car before Bella could even shift it to park. Bella sat back and smiled, watching Alice fly up the stairs, obviously her buzz had worn off considerably.

She was about to get out when her phone started singing Let's Stay Together by Al Green. She smiled, knowing it was Edward without looking at her screen.


"Hey, baby. Where are you?"

"Rose and Emmett's new place."

"I'll be there in a couple of minutes."

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too."

Bella whistled with a thumbs up when she walked through the door Emmett held open.

"Thanks," he said with a hug.

Rose gave Bella a hug before showing her around. They had a small, one-bedroom apartment their were splitting rent on that was surprising spacey. The decor was also modern but warm.

"It's beautiful," Bella told Rose as they walked back to the front. "Where's Alice and Jasper?"

"They went for a walk."

Bella nodded, hopeful for the two.

"What did you two do?" Rose asked. "She's pretty hammered."

Bella looked down, feeling guilty. "She was really upset, so I took her to the airport."

Rose cocked an eyebrow.

"I didn't know what they were fighting about," Bella explained defensively.

Rose smiled, rubbing Bella's shoulder. It was a simple gesture, but from Rose it was rare and rewarding. "Well, whatever you did, it worked like a charm."

Edward was refusing a Coors Light from Emmett for a Dr. Pepper instead when Bella and Rose walked into the kitchen.

Before she knew it, she was in his arms.

Placing the soda down, Edward pulled her closer. Both forgot where they were until Emmett cleared his throat.

"You act like you haven't seen each other in ages," Emmett joked, poking Edward in the rib.

Edward swatted his hand away with a frown. "Shut up." He looked back down at Bella. "It felt like a lifetime."

Rose rolled her eyes. "You can tell you and Alice are blood related. You're both so dramatic."

Edward's eyes grew confused. "What happened with Alice?"

Bella waited until they were all sitting in the living room to explain everything to him. He wasn't happy about the place she chose to take Alice, but Bella ignored his unpleased expression.

Edward made a hmph sound as he sipped from his can. "She knew that he was leaving after he graduated before they even started dated."

"Really?" Bella asked, finding this news shocking for some reason.

They all nodded.

"I think she was hoping he'd change his mind," Emmett commented as Rose nodded again.

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