STORY LINE TWO chapter 6

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Jungkook's P.O.V (surprise bitch)

I open my eyes, trying to look around but the world around me is pretty fuzzy. I'm lying on something, or someone and I feel my body moving along footsteps. My vision takes a time to focus but once it does I realize I'm hanging upside down. The grass is suddenly my sky. I blink a few times and let my gaze travel downwards until they meet someone's face.

"Y-yoongi hyung?", I manage to croak out. The said boy doesn't stop in his tracks but his usual frown changes into a smile.

"So you aren't dead. Glad I finally know I'm not carrying a corpse", he states.

"What happened?", I ask confused. Trees pass with every second. Short patches of memory flash through my mind but I can't fit them together.

"My dad was chasing me", I remember.

"Yes and you fell down from exhaustion", Yoongi explains, "I was able to find you before your father did. I ran away, which we're still doing now, because Jimin asked me to take care of you".

"Take care of me?"

"I'm bringing you to the human world, where you belong now as human. Jimin is going to try to save Taehyung to reunite you guys", he slides me off his shoulder and places me on both my feet. I wobble a bit.

"Can you walk?", he pats some dirt from my shirt.

"Yes, but, what will happen with you guys? When the pack find out you guys helped us-"

"Let's just pray they don't", he smiles hopefully. He's risking his life for us. He and Jimin. Tears form in my eyes.

"Thank you hyung"

Yoongi groans,"If you start crying I'll knock you unconscious again"

I wipe my nose and dry my tears quickly.

"Just know that I'm really grateful"

"You better", he smirks and starts to pull me along, "We're almost there by the way".

The forest gets less greener, empty spots with stumps where once trees were are normal in this part of the woods. It's a sign we're nearing human civilization. The whole way we don't say anything. My mind is lost in thought with Taehyung swirling around in my brain. I guess it's the same with Yoongi. He stops me by putting a hand on my chest and looks at the giant wall separating the town with the forest.

"We're here"

I sigh.

We're with the humans now.


Sorry for the really short chapter but my wrist hurts like hell from writing too much. I'm using my wrists too much but I can't let them rest because I want to write everyday.

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