There's nothing you can do

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Third Person POV
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(Three days later )

Jungkook had already felt it was going to be bad day the moment he decided to open his eyes. There was just this sick feeling in the pit of his stomach that he seemed he couldn't get rid of. He washed it away in the shower, the steam fogging his sight and mind in the small bathroom. The brown haired boy, probably making breakfast in the kitchen, wasn't the only thing on his mind at that moment. His father and Jimin too, two people who were close to him but were oddly good at frustrating him. Those three people combined, dancing in his head, were a great combination to form a splendid headache at 10 am. Jungkook just wanted to crawl back into bed, preferably with the human boy, and sleep for another few days until he would feel devoid of all miserable and confusing feelings. He decided against it and dressed himself casually. The house didn't smell like human anymore which was a comfort at least. Taehyung softly hummed as he heard the sizzling of bacon on the stove, not listening to the footsteps nearing him. Warm arms engulfed him and he shrieked due the sudden touch. His werewolf chuckled against his ear, sending cold shivers along his spine.

"Morning kitten", the husky voice made him almost swoon, almost.

"Morning beast", Taehyung replied, pecking the werewolf's nose shortly.

Jungkook hummed in contentment and licked his lips as he saw the bacon and eggs in front of him. "This looks delicious"

"You say that everyday", his human boy answered rolling his eyes.

"That's because it's true", Jungkook retorted, "By the way, I'm going to the pack house today. I need to make up with Jimin. I can't have him mad at me".

Taehyung nodded in understanding.

"Okay. I'll be here drawing", he smiled at the man in front of him.

"Drawing?", Jungkook questioned.

"After remembering the memories I want to try drawing again. I used to love it a lot so I want to see if I can still do it", he fiddled with his fingers.

"Are you going to be drawing me again?", Jungkook teased the older boy.

"Maybe" He blushed a bit. He had already thought of drawing the black haired wolf again but now the older version, the way Jungkook looked right now.

It was weird. The old feelings of when they were young have seemed to have mixed themselves with the new ones.


The sick feeling came back as soon as Jungkook stepped out into the woods. He felt the sudden urge to go back inside and hug Taehyung close to never let go of him again. He pushed forward, ignoring the sickening burn growing with every step. Something was definitely wrong but he couldn't put his finger on it. The usual sounds of the forest didn't calm him and the tickling feeling of grass didn't relax his senses. It only seemed to make his state of mind worse. And then he realized what was wrong. The smell. He wasn't going to the pack house- no, he was following a certain sweet smell that captivated him. The scent got stronger and stronger until his mind was fogged over with joy and sweetness. The moment he laid eyes on the dark brown wolf in front of him was the moment he knew he fucked up by following the scent.

'Mate', his inner wolf growled. He had to push down the urge to pound on the wolf the moment it stepped closer. Jeon Jungkook had found his mate and while his wolf howled in happiness, the human inside just wanted to run away as fast as possible. This couldn't be happening, not now, not now he had found the boy in the woods again.

The wolf in front of him changed into a human girl with long brown hair reaching the dip in her back. She smiled warmly at him, also knowing she had found her mate but she seemed to be happy about it. Jungkook transformed back into his human body, not bothering that they were both naked. The girl seemed to question his cold hard stare.

"We're mates", she smiled brightly and he wanted to scoff at her obviousness.

"You're just stating the obvious", he replied with a cold voice.

A frown appeared on her smooth features, "Aren't you happy?"

"No, I don't want a mate", Jungkook's gaze only hardened, "I'm already happy with the boy I have. So don't even try to persuade me into this mate thing. I'm not having any of that bullshit"

She widened her eyes, "B-but we were bonded by mother nature herself! You can't not be with me!"

"Oh I can! Just see me walk away from you", Jungkook scoffed, stepping backwards and then turning around, walking away. He heard the girl running after him. A hand touched his shoulder and millions of tingles shot through him, like fireworks exploding underneath his skin. It felt amazing but it was wrong. He didn't like her, his body just liked her. He jumped away and grabbed her wrist painfully, "Don't fucking touch me". His harsh tone made her flinch. Jungkook tried to ignore all the sparks the touch made him feel as he held onto her wrist.

"You can't deny the fact you're feeling these weird tingles, can you?", the girl pleaded, "You can't run away from me. After all... I'm your mate".

Jungkook dropped her wrist and turned his back to her. "I don't care what my wolf might say or what freaking mother nature means with this bullshit of falling in love with a total stranger, but I only have to say this", he stares at her from over his shoulder, "I reject you".

And as he hears the girl break down in sobs he shifts back into a wolf and gets the hell out of there, back to the human boy that he loves, not who his wolf wants him to love.

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