Ways to make you fade away

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"THESE pancakes are quiet good." I mumble, eyes closed in contentment. I hadn't expected Taehyung to be able to cook this well.

I almost forgot my little discussion with my father- but the man was quiet unforgettable. I was already pissed off at Taehyung for commanding me and then that old man felt the need to barge in to rant about a mate again.

I don't need a mate. And he doesn't understand that I don't want to be tied down to a bond created by mother nature. I want to choose my lover myself, not by some stupid scent I'll fall in love with.

After finishing the stack of pancakes I put the plate in the sink and make my way upstairs. It's fairly early and while I'm mostly a night owl, I don't feel like staying up too late tonight. I freeze in my tracks when I inter the hallway, picking up the scent coming from my bedroom.

Hesitantly, I peek into the room and see a lump underneath the sheets on my bed.


I guess I didn't unlock the guest room and he decided to sleep in my bed. Normally I'd be mad but it's not his fault so I'll let him sleep in here. And if he sleeps next to me my scent will be on him, covering the human stench.

I throw off my white shirt, wiggle out of my jeans and climb into the bed. I scoot closer to Taehyung when I notice he's shivering like crazy. I don't like humans, as they are often selfish and aggressive towards anything that they don't understand, but his shivers are interrupting my ability to sleep.

As a werewolf I'm naturally warm blooded and so I almost never feel cold. Taehyung instantly relaxes into my presence and he sleepily rolls until he hits my chest. I tense and follow his every move like pressing his head into my chest as if it's a pillow and sliding his hands around me, gripping my skin softly.

Normally I'd hate it when someone touches me, especially without my consent. But I can't help but smile at the snuggly boy on my chest. I soon drift off to sleep, listening to his steady heartbeat.

»»————- 🐺 ————-««

I already awakened at 6 am but decided to stay in bed. I might be labeled creepy at this point seeing I've been staring at the sleeping boy in my arms. I can't help the fact he's a cute sleeper.

He starts shuffling into my arms and so I tighten the grip but this seems to wake him up. His eyes flutter open, staring confused at my chest and then wandering his gaze to my face. He turns tomato red when he sees me staring and I smirk satisfied when he presses his face into my side again with embarrassment.

"H-how did we end up like this?" He stutters, his breath tingling my skin. I inhale sharply by the feeling.

"You were cold and rolled into me." I explained. "I mean, you're the one at fault here but I understand I'm very hot." I notice the tips of his ears are burning red.

With a grin I lean in closer. "And my scent will linger now." I whisper into his ear making him yelp. I laugh as he tries to wiggle out of my grip and roll off the bed. He jumps up, frowning and pouting at me.

"Nice boxers." I smirk, letting my gaze travel downwards.

He looks down too and shrieks, pulling the sweater more down so it covers his underwear. "There's a pair of sweatpants in my closet." I say as I also get out of bed. His flushes a peachy pink while staring at me with an intense stare.

Ah yeah I forgot I'm only wearing boxers as well.

"Take a photo, it'll last longer." I snap him out of his thoughts making him even redder.

He turns away, practically diving into my closet for some clothes.

I shoo him away after he put on some pants, urging him to make breakfast. It's entertaining to see him scurry away with a flushed face. He listens to everything I say and I have to admit I'm liking it a bit too much already.

I decide to wear a large black jeans, stuffing the ends into my tight blue jeans. The smell of bacon with eggs fills my nose once I arrive downstairs. "This smells delicious." I swipe my tongue against my lips in hunger. Taehyung, wearing the pink apron again, sets down a plate in front of me. I quirk an eyebrow.

"And you?" I ask and he seems uncertain. I realize I didn't let him eat anything last night either. He must have been hungry. "You can eat too you know. I'm not letting you starve".

He seems shocked by my response and nods a quick 'thank you' then scurries back to the kitchen to make some eggs for himself. He steps into the living room but hesitates. "C-can I join you?" He asks in a small voice.

I nod and he smiles softly, sitting down next to me. I hear his stomach grumble and feel bad for letting him wait so long to eat. "Jungkook", his soft voice rings out," Can I ask you a question?"

I hum in response, shoving a spoon full of egg in my mouth.

"If your father had found me- would he have killed me?"

I nod, swallowing the food, "Yeah he would have ripped your head off. Or he would have let you run off, waited a minute or five and chased you, catching up and then ripping your head off. The pack often calls him 'The Chaser' because he tires his prey both mentally and physically before tearing them apart".

I hear a chair shoving and he gets up, letting his eggs get cold. He walks off with the plate, dropping it in the kitchen and walks to the staircase.

"Where are you going?" I ask confused because of his behavior.

"I'm suddenly not that hungry anymore." He comments, leaving me alone downstairs.

Did I say something wrong?

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