I wish there was another way out for you

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Third Person POV
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"Will he survive?", Taehyung asked anxiously, biting his nails in the progress. Jungkook was spread across the couch unconscious, the soft moving of his chest being the only reason Taehyung wasn't breaking down at the moment. Jimin followed his gaze and sighed in frustration.

"You have to understand one thing Tae. Jungkook is very powerful wolf, an excellent alpha and the heir of our pack. But he's also a strong human. He has trained himself, both mentally and physically. Even if his wolf decides to eventually leave him he will survive the loss, but he won't be the Jungkook you know now. He will be much weaker and he will have to adapt to the human life, trying to live without his usual strength. This will be very hard for him and I think the psychological factor will hurt him the most. His pack won't hesitate to kill him once he's human and his parents won't accept him. They will probably ban him from the woods", Jimin explained, placing a hand on Taehyung's shoulder to calm him down.

Taehyung lets his head fall into his hands and small droplets of water slip between his finger. The sobs wrecked his body. "This is all my fault"

Jimin shook his head, mentally cursing at Jungkook for messing up this bad. "It's not. He chose for this to happen, he chose to fall in love with a human and reject his mate".

"I wish I was a werewolf", Taehyung mumbled, wiping the tears off his cheeks.

"You still wouldn't be his mate Taehyung. Bitten humans who turn into wolves don't have a mate because it wasn't mother nature's choice to turn them".

A groan sounded through the room making both the boys bolt to the couch.



Jungkook opened his eyes slowly, his senses adjusting to the world around him. The sunlight filtering through the windows was too bright. The booming voices were too loud, ripping his eardrums. Everything felt strange, like he had to experience everything for the first time again. His senses were highly sensitive. Taehyung touched him and he couldn't help to flinch, leaving a sad expression on the human boy's face.

"Are you okay?", Jimin asked in worry even though he was still mad at the younger one.

"I-I feel weird", Jungkook grabbed at this shirt, gripping the clothing in his fist right above his heart. It felt as if something was missing, like a big part of himself was ripped off. His eyes quickly darted to his body to check if he still had all of his limbs. He felt lonely but he shouldn't be. His two friends were at his side with worried expressions.

"J-Jimin", he let out a cry in panic, "T-there's something missing. I-I don't feel whole".

Jimin's expression fell at an instant and Taehyung looked terrified. Jungkook tried to get out of the couch but his legs gave in and his arms didn't support his weight so he dropped down on the ground. He felt fragile, a feeling he wasn't used to. A shiver ran down his spine and goose bumps formed on his arms. He felt cold, he shouldn't feel cold, werewolves were almost never cold. The miserable realization settled in the pit of his stomach and he wanted to throw up. His wolf left him. And when he said left, he meant he killed his wolf by refusing to give into his animalistic needs. Jungkook felt like crying so that's what he did.

He was weak.

He was human.



The first story line will appear after this chapter. After the first story line ends, the second one starts. This is purely because I did not know how to continue this story because I had two plans in mind.

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